personal records

Damion 2022-10-05 19:55:23

The purpose of this film is to do an experiment to see what effect sugar has on people.

Nowadays, people's demand for sugar is increasing. A family of four needs 6*1 kg of sugar a week. Only 20% of supermarkets are sugar-free.

Some common sense about sugar

Evolutionary history: New Guinea appeared in 8000 BC → India, 12th century to Europe (relatively rare, a symbol of aristocracy) → early 20th century, still relatively rare → 1955, the president had a heart attack and began to discuss obesity caused by sugar Or is it caused by fat? → In the 70th century, I thought it was fat! So started a low-fat exercise, so in order to maintain a good taste, began to add sugar

Sugar: Glucose, lactose (dairy), sucrose (composed of glucose and fructose, the fructose in it is unhealthy)

Americans eat 4,000 scoops of sugar a year. High-glucose corn sweeteners (sweeteners) are the same as sugar. As long as it is sugar, it is not good for the body.

The calories and calories in sugar are not the same as those in food

The experimenter began to eat sugar for two months, and did not eat junk food or refined sugar food (40 scoops of sugar in healthy food and beverages a day, not soft drinks, chocolate and ice cream, must contain fructose and glucose, can be added, If the sauce, it can also be natural, such as raisins), a few spoonfuls of oatmeal yogurt for breakfast is more than 20 spoons of sugar. . . .

Juices and beverages contain a lot of sugar. If you eat fruit alone, you won't, but only sugar is left in the juice.

Problems that arise:

1. Meat grows on the stomach, and there is a lot of visceral fat.

2. Fatty liver, sugar reaches the liver, and glucose is stored, but fructose is not needed by the liver, it reaches the blood, so it is converted into fat, and some fat is always in the liver, so there is a

3. The risk of diabetes. Insulin absorbs fructose and converts it from the blood as an energy substance. The more fructose in the blood, the higher the insulin content. When insulin processes this fructose, the fat is unchanged, effectively stopping fat burning. So when we eat a lot of sugar, fat is transported into the body to form, and because of these fructose, the insulin content in the body is unchanged, he does not change the fat cells, when insulin processes these sugars, fat cannot be broken down and utilized.

4. Heart disease, fat in the liver into the blood, triglyceride acid, clogged blood vessels.

5. Sugar also affects mood. If you eat sugar, you will be very excited. After about 45 minutes, you will be very sleepy. If the sugar level is always flat, you will always be very awake.

6. Adrenaline causes anxiety, fear

7. Eat more snacks than before

8. Difficulty maintaining exercise

9. People in some areas lost their teeth because they drank too much Coke

When you see sugar, your brain produces dopamine and wants you to eat it. When you eat it, the brain releases opioids and endorphins, and the pleasure doesn't last particularly long. The more you eat high-sugar foods, the more you want to eat them, and the more you will continue to eat them.

After 60 days, the liver hormone ALT rises, insulin resistance, triglyceride levels rise, cholesterol rises, and there is a risk of heart disease. Gained 16 pounds and gained 10 centimeters around the waist. Fewer calories than before, however. . . .

First week of quitting sugar is not a good one, throw away cereal, low-fat yogurt, start eating bacon, eggs, raw avocado, snacking on nuts and cheese, skip oatmeal nut bars, eat fish or cut-fat meat, eat lots of greens for dinner vegetable. All blood parameters are normal.

This film uses its own experiments to tell people the bad things about sugar. It is better to eat less in the future!

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