A "history of disaster" in human history

Alba 2022-09-30 17:12:30

Rumors about the end of the world have been heard in high school or longer, but the most impressive thing is the prediction that 2012 will be the end of the world.

When it really came to 2012, nothing happened.

However, with the growth of time, the number of human beings has risen sharply, and the area of ​​human land has gradually increased, which has gradually increased the plunder of natural resources. The most obvious phenomenon should be the so-called "greenhouse effect".

A documentary "David Attenborough: A Life's Journey on Earth" was released in the UK in September this year .

official poster
"The story of life on this planet is told for us by someone who knows the natural world better than anyone else."


Now that this documentary is mentioned, it is inevitable to mention the narrator of this documentary " David Attenborough ".

David Attenborough, father of world nature documentaries

I believe that people who like to watch documentaries will not find this name unfamiliar. "Wild Animals", "Blue Planet", "Life Trilogy" and so on are all from him.

When he was in his 20s, he was invited to explore the "wilderness", "coast" and "forest" of the world, to record the wonders of nature and bring them back to everyone. From the most beautiful time of human beings, it has started a strange journey.

He has personally explored almost every known ecological environment on Earth. Whether it is the icy Antarctic or the scorching volcanic crater, from the barren and desolate Sahara Desert in Africa to the vibrant Amazon rainforest in South America, whether it is down to the mysterious underwater world or up to the 50-meter-high jungle canopy, He always appears next to the crystallization of nature's various forms of creation, panting but full of enthusiasm, presenting the splendor and splendor of the world of life to the audience vividly and truly.

(Data from: Baidu Encyclopedia)

And this year, 94 years old, he released this documentary. Many people think that this film should be the last documentary in his career. Of course, there will be people who wonder why he has to make another documentary at this age, but I believe that after watching this film, all the answers will surface.

In my opinion, this documentary is a comparison of Attenborough's own personal experience, using the most authentic senses to tell us the current situation of our environment and the crisis we face.


In the film, the Chernobyl incident is used as the starting point to tell the story, which leads to a crisis that cannot be detected in human daily life - the natural habitat that is gradually disappearing from the earth.

Not only by looking at him, but most of us can also feel that the natural world has undergone earth-shaking changes from the past to the present. In order to produce a more direct comparison, the description of the data is more intuitive.

The first records of world population, atmospheric carbon content and remaining wilderness area in 1937 began to gradually connect with the current data. Reflect some changes in nature from the data.

1937 data

In the Earth's four billion history, there have been five mass extinction events.

After the age of dinosaurs passed, nature started anew, and life continued to rebuild the world, eventually forming the current "human world". That's when the climate is most stable. Rich species, dense forest plants, continuous glaciers, and stable seasonal changes.

Scientists call it the "Holocene."

With the advent of the farming era, it marked the beginning of the history of human civilization.

With the development of science and technology, people's needs continue to expand. In order to meet people's quality of life to a higher degree, humans cut down forests, capture and hunt animals for profit.

This series of activities violated the laws of nature, destroyed the ecological balance of nature, and thus had a considerable impact on the climate.

hunt animals

glacial melting

As a result, many animals have become extinct before we know them, and the animals that existed before are also in danger of extinction.

And now we humans are also facing the danger of "extinction".

As of 2020, data shows that only 35% of the wilderness area remains. In just 83 years, we have nearly halved the wilderness area compared to 1937 data .

2020 data

The film also shows that if humans continue to destroy nature in the way they are now , the earth will suffer the sixth mass extinction by 2100, that is, our own extinction . "Then what should we do"

"The answer is very simple"

"The answer is always in front of us"

"This is the only solution to this human crisis"

"We must return the world to 'wildness'"


At the end, it also ends with Chernobyl.

"30 years after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident, it has become a haven for wildlife."

"The answer is always in front of us"

"This is the only solution to this human crisis"

"We must return the world to 'wildness'"

Chernobyl now

But we can start making changes now.

At the end of the film, the back of David Edberg slowly left.


In the process of watching, I envy the 94-year-old man several times, envy his experience, and envy him seeing the most beautiful time on earth.

At the same time, we will also resent the bad behavior of our human beings towards the creatures who live with us on this earth. In fact, as Attenborough said, in essence, we are no different from other creatures, we are just "wiser than them". "A little .

But that's not enough reason to treat them like that.

On the other hand, if our life can be guaranteed in reality and the ideal state of social smooth operation, will we not seek other "illegal" ways to seek benefits.

The topic of protecting the environment can be big or small. It can be raised to the national level, but it can also be specifically placed on each of us as individual individuals. Change our daily eating habits to focus on "vegetables and fruits".

Use public transport more.

Energy saving and environmental protection.


In fact, David Attenborough does not have to toss at this age to tell everyone to protect environmental protection animals and protect nature. Perhaps it is precisely because he has seen the most beautiful and "natural" nature that he strives to retain or restore this beauty, and does his best to let us understand the stakes, try to change the status quo, and reproduce the beauty of nature itself. .

This may be "his last struggle".

But all this change, not for others, but only for ourselves.

View more about David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet reviews

Extended Reading

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet quotes

  • David Attenborough: This is not about saving our planet, it's about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.

  • David Attenborough: The living world will endure. We humans cannot presume the same. We've come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. We require wisdom.