Dear little one

Charlie 2022-10-12 19:24:35

The first two episodes are very interesting to watch. The pink and pink little one speaks with a milky and milky intelligence, and the teasing of the people around him is very loving and pleasing.

1 In a world filled with uncertainty, this place will be here forever

2 Sheldon's finaly get a first and new vietnam friend, a pertty story one

8 the best trip that little sheton ever had

10 Transferring and returning

12 The way this family uses a computer is really impressive

13 soft kitty warm kitty , little ball of fur , happy kitty , sleepy kitty , purr purr purr

15 new girl friend twice age than him

16 block head office and saying “live long and prospre”

18 Little adults under the tornado

22 "will I be alone in the end "?

--the second spring of old dear

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