
Marvin 2022-12-09 23:04:35

this movie. It's a movie I've seen many times, and every time I watch it, I feel very fresh, because I myself prefer to watch disaster movies like this, or some kind of exciting work like a monster movie. Like this movie, after the Poseidon on the sea was killed, the whole ship turned over, and some members of the ship were waiting to die in the dance hall, but there was a group of people who wanted to escape and ascend to heaven by their own efforts. led by a leader. Take out this Poseidon. There were also many difficulties in the middle, but they all overcame them one by one, and also lost some teammates. The one that impressed me the most was a father. In order to fulfill her daughter and her boyfriend, and also to allow her daughter to live, he resolutely chose to return to the controlling forces that controlled the windmill and changed the direction of the windmill. Of course, he did not come back. It makes people feel. How great our parents love us.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.