sugar trap

Beth 2022-12-29 12:43:10

Sugar is a legal drug. Its harm and addictive properties are no less than that of heroin. However, the dangers of sugar and popular science are not well known to the public. Refined sugar? It's legally added to almost all processed foods, and it's on almost 80 percent of everything on supermarket shelves. The more common it is, the harder it is to question and detect hazards. At this time, I thought of Mr. Lu Xun's deafening sentence: "It's always been like this, right?" To eat healthy is not what you want to tell you by looking at the advertising copy of the business. The purpose of business has always been one and only one - profit maximize. You have to be responsible for yourself. The less processed food is, the healthier it is. The most primitive form of food is the healthiest. Fresh vegetables, fruits and grains are always the best choice. All other forms are caused by the brain’s dopamine. Just want. When shopping in the supermarket, learn to read the ingredient list of food ingredients. The higher the order, the greater the proportion of ingredients. If there are refined sugars or sweeteners such as maltose, white granulated sugar, and sucrose in the top three, try not to buy or eat less! Refined sugar is less important, consuming sugar in its natural form is more than enough. In fact, what people have to overcome is not sugar, but excess desire.

A film about sugar (2014)
2014 / Australia / Documentary / Damon Gameu / Damon Gameu

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