Vegetarian one day a week, would you like to?

Elenor 2022-12-10 01:33:22

A movie everyone should watch. Although most of them are clips of David Attenborough's previous documentaries and his personal statements, it will still be shocking and reflecting after watching it. The orangutan who climbed the only dead tree left after the loss of the forest and looked around at a loss; the polar bear who could not find food and a large piece of ice floes could only swim constantly; the African animals who had nowhere to migrate; the gradually disappearing underwater coral... … Humans have squeezed too many of the planet’s resources in the past century of rapid development. Watching the film is so sad, I can't imagine the 93-year-old's mood to witness these changes with his own eyes. Different from our planet, the old man gave his advice on protecting the environment and some positive examples in recent years, which is no less than the discovery of a special medicine for a patient sentenced to death. Suggestions include slowing birth and postnatal care to reduce population growth, fishing moratoriums, using renewable energy, and developing new types of agriculture that occupy less land and are more efficient. It may seem a little far from the average life, but there is one thing everyone can do: reduce meat consumption. It is not necessary to be completely vegetarian, if everyone did not eat meat one day a week, it could reduce the world's meat demand by 1/7. Then the resources used to raise these animals may be saved and returned to nature. By extension, all food that is wasted, and all goods that are hoarded but never used up, are over-consumption and a waste of resources. Thanks to this movie for reminding me that this acre of land in front of me is not the only one in the world that needs attention. I decided to start vegan one day a week. Do you want to?

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Extended Reading

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet quotes

  • David Attenborough: This is not about saving our planet, it's about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.

  • David Attenborough: The living world will endure. We humans cannot presume the same. We've come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. We require wisdom.