I think it's pretty good, the middle finger is really funny hahaha

Jane 2022-11-27 05:47:41

I have a very large tolerance for all kinds of fairy tales, myths and strange stories. I can tolerate everything. I think the front of this film is too long, like coaxing a child to sleep, which is interesting and a little evoking I'm interested but a little boring. For me as an adult, this is more like an educational film that tells me how to tell a story to a child without scaring them, but also scare them with a little humor and plot ups and downs , so that they can leak cute and somewhat panicked expressions, it is really cute for me to imagine their little expressions.

Anne Hathaway is worthy of being a very professional actress. She plays a witch who has lived for a long time in her every move. I don't know if it's fun or scary. In short, I really like it like the vicious stepmother in Cinderella and the evil stepmother in Snow White. Whether the queen is bad or ugly at heart, she always has a sense of joy that makes me feel that she is also full of a little real and unreal charm

The witch's plan is also fun. In the cruel reality, the timed rat poison is simply too cute to be a cute plan. The witch's plan is also very polite when it comes to evil. There will also be a little panic, and even if the trick is successful, there will be a ridiculous face. After turning the little fat man into a mouse, the solution is to step on him.

I think it should be a little bit of a child, a bit of an adult but not very adult. When I watch it, it feels like a half-baked movie with a childish innocence and has been severely beaten by the society. , adults feel stupid, whoever sees who is in an uncomfortable embarrassing situation.

I suggest that all adults watch this movie with your still childish innocence, don't take your childhood and adulthood too far, try not to talk about logic like that, just listen to a strange story, isn't it? .

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The Witches quotes

  • Grand High Witch: That's how you want to play, we'll play the Shakespeare way.

  • Bruno Jenkins: Why are we mouses?

    Hero BoyDaisy: Mice!

    Bruno Jenkins: Whatever.