Routine, but sincere

Cara 2022-10-29 18:45:14

If you want to say, this movie actually has a lot of bugs, such as the consistent American personal heroism. The most puzzling thing is how the giant monster that can be headshot by a cold weapon caused human beings to almost become extinct. The male protagonist is a rookie. How did he go from being helpless to being a "warrior" in a few days. . . . . . If you want to delve into it, there are indeed a lot of grooves, and it has the usual routine of commercial movies.

However, there are many reasons for this film to be recommended. Behind the routine, there is sincerity.

because its theme is love

The male protagonist's love for his girlfriend made him full of courage and went to his girlfriend's camp alone at the risk of being swallowed by monsters

A dog's love for its owner, a dog is the most loyal friend of human beings. After the owner dies, he will always wear the owner's red dress to remember him. After having the new friend of the male owner, he will go to him several times without any risk of death, even if the last quarrel is in a critical moment. I rushed back to save the male lead. Anyway, I just like dogs.

The male protagonist's sympathetic love for monsters should be regarded as the sublimation of the theme of the movie. Monsters do not want to become monsters, and not all monsters are vicious. There are also monsters that are imprisoned and used by humans, so the male protagonist did not choose to kill in the end. dead monster, but chose to sever its chains. . .

In other words, the actors' acting skills are acceptable, the plot is acceptable, and the monster special effects are acceptable. Let's take a look.

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Extended Reading

Love and Monsters quotes

  • Joel: I'm alive because of the generosity of a few strangers and the kindness of a great dog. My colony and I are headed to the mountains. There's supposed to be less monsters there. And don't get me wrong. The surface is a dangerous place. But I don't think hiding underground is the answer anymore. There is a great big, beautiful, inspiring world out there. And I know you think it might be impossible, but it's not. If I can survive out here, anybody can. It's like a good friend once told me. Good instincts are earned by making mistakes. If you're lucky enough to survive a few mistakes, you're gonna do all right out here. In this recording, you'll find everything I know about our new world. Most of this I had to learn the hard way. Hopefully, it'll make your way a little easier. So crank open that hatch. Okay, come on. Breathe some fresh air. Go. Live your life. It won't be easy, but it'll be worth it. I traveled 85 miles to find what I had been missing below ground for seven years was right above my head this whole time. And it's incredible. Oh, and one last thing. Don't settle. You don't have to. Not even at the end of the world. Signing off, Joel Dawson.

  • Joel: I don't want to die all alone at the end of the world.