Love Letter for New York City

Reagan 2021-11-13 08:01:24

1. 就算选黑白镜头来拍,也还是蛮美的

2. 不知道标题为什么要叫曼哈顿,伍迪老头全身心地爱着NYC嘛,不知道广大布鲁克林和皇后区人民闹不闹意见的,不就是没有Manhattan girls那么潮嘛,“精英”没有那么多嘛

3. 不过70年代的曼哈顿style也完全不让人失望!梅姨不用说,是我见过的最年轻时候的她,一头飘逸金发,美呆了,安妮阿姨也不用说,比在教父里造型更赞,要是有心人去截一下她从头到尾的每个造型,拿到现在都是经典的街拍范本

4. 就连17岁的Tracy都好有惊喜,脸虽然说不上漂亮,但身段像舞蹈演员,后来发现这个姓海明威的演员小姑娘真的是海明威的孙女

5. 很浓重的疏离感,对白常用正反打甚至空景镜头

6. 首尾的蓝色狂想曲配得简直一绝

7. 我现在觉得同一部片不同年龄来看感受还是挺不一样的,要是早年来看的话结尾我大概觉得老头折腾一圈最终肯面对和小姑娘的感情也挺不容易的,现在看。。。就是新欢不成便回头找旧爱,说得一堆看似好听比如六个月人会变的啦我不想看着你变化我喜欢现在的你之内的其实言外之意不过就是现在我还能hold住你啊等你出去见识了新生活估计我就再hold不住你了。。。说白了还是自私嘛

8. 不过我猜再过两年看大概又更能表示理解了,因为比较真实,毕竟其实人本身是由各种矛盾部分组成的,统共用一面去看待太偏颇且没有意义,那样就成脸谱型人格了,内涵biu地就降下去了

9. 台词一如既往地多到应接不暇,但也一如既往地完全不闷,这是一种无可否认艳羡不来的天分

10. 隐藏于卖弄下的空虚,伍迪式幽默一一讽刺给你看

11. I also began to suspect that from the 70s to the 2010s, I was still talking about feelings in a literary and artistic way. The old man would really not be bored. . . The topic of literary middle-class relationship between the sexes does not have a solid foundation. It always floats in the air without pain or itching, lacks the solidity and weight of the essence of life, and lacks the exploration and thinking of human nature itself. In fact, What a fascinating subject should have been, this is the eternal difference between four and five stars.

12. But it’s still pretty beautiful.

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Extended Reading

Manhattan quotes

  • Mary Wilke: Listen, I gotta get my dog. You wanna wait? I gotta walk it. Or, are you in rush or something like that?

    Isaac Davis: Oh, no, sure. What kind of dog you got?

    Mary Wilke: The worst. It's a dachshund. You know, it's a penis substitute for me.

    Isaac Davis: Oh, I would have thought that in your case a Great Dane.

  • Isaac Davis: Really? You married your - your teacher?

    Mary Wilke: Yeah, of course.

    Isaac Davis: That's very, very...

    Mary Wilke: Well, I listen to that, he failed me and I fell in love with him.

    Isaac Davis: Oh, that's perfect.

    Mary Wilke: Perfect, right? Yeah, I was sleeping with him and he had the nerve to give me an F !