Analysis of the development of the love between the two

Jane 2022-03-21 09:03:27

In court, Jack became interested in the only officer who protected him, so he changed his arrogance and respectfully asked Yono's surname.

If ordinary people fall in love with a person, they need to start with looks, talent and character, then Jack's falling in love with Shiye starts with admiration, and loyalty to each other. In the face of a man who is equally excellent, outstanding, and self-disciplined, who is obsessed with life and death, who also pursues freedom, equality, and thoughtfulness, and who is also a handsome guy with star-shaped eyebrows and swordsmanship, how could Jack not like it? It was because of his temptation that he tentatively asked Lawrence at night, "Why do you think Yonoi saved me?", that he gave him flowers after confirming that Yonoi liked him a little bit, and that he kissed the Persian blanket deeply. He will laugh and throw down the short knife, and then he will look at Shiye and say "beautiful" uncontrollably, and will pull Shiye back from the brink of tyranny regardless of the danger of his life. Otherwise, why would he risk his life to save someone he doesn't care about? Human beings are selfish animals. If they don't love Shiye, they won't be so concerned about Shiye.

The story takes place on a green island surrounded by coconut groves and the sea. This is Java, where the Japanese army set up a prison camp in Indonesia. In Java at this time, the summer wind is blowing warmly, tickling the hearts of every man. The rich aroma of tropical grass and the smell of brackish sea water are intertwined in the sea breeze, bringing a hormonal scent. A military clerk, Kim Bun from North Korea, finally couldn't hold it anymore, and shared fish water with a Dutch prisoner while patrolling at night. love. Soon, the adultery was finally discovered by Sergeant Yuan. In order to protect the prisoner Derong from harm, Jin Ben, a clerk with the army, took all the responsibility on himself, and he was eager to commit suicide. Homosexuality was a shame in Japan at the time. It seems that falling in love with a lover who is also a man is a sin, shameful and unforgivable. Just when Jinben was dying of pain, Shi Ye appeared.

Wearing a traditional samurai uniform, with a sassy and capable white turban on his head, carrying a wooden saber, he walked slowly and swiftly, as if there was a divine protection behind this great and distinguished officer. He was the most outstanding and youngest instructor in Japan during the Showa period, Captain Yonoi. Standing tall and straight in front of the soldiers, the atmosphere immediately became serious. He is sharp-edged and not arrogant. The former sergeant put away the twisted fangs and blue face, no longer presumptuous. A new forbidden romance is about to kick off, but the misfortune of Kim Ben and Derong seems to be doomed to a tragic end to the next relationship... After everything is set up properly, the camera turns to the jeep, and Shi Ye is greeted by someone. It is said that a major of the British Royal Army was captured. In the next military meeting, Yonoi, who has studied law, needs to participate in the jury as a jury. The red sun flag was planted in front of the court, and the senior officials took off their military caps and placed them on the table. The cynical voice, the contemptuous joking tone, and the face that was enough to amaze the whole of Europe and Asia were all concentrated on the jade tree's body in front of Yonoi. The person calmly replied to the judge "Why shouldn't it be", the person pleaded "not guilty" neither humble nor arrogant, the person asked "Why don't I have defense counsel" in a self-possessed manner, the person was arrogant and rude slander of 'This whole thing' "sa bloody farce"... As if everyone present had no right to judge him, the equal lever was straightened by his rebellious speech, and the aura changed subtly and obviously shifted to his side. The major was deeply attracted, and his eyes were pinned on him for a long time. He looked at the handsome enemy general wrapped in an army green scarf in front of him, and was shocked by this shocking figure for a long time. Brave, kind and proud , and even a hint of melancholy, was on full display in this major. A special feeling that had never been before quietly took root in the world's ambition. He had to find an excuse for this wonderful heartbeat, so he told himself that he was just Appreciating the self-disciplined temperament of the other party, he just wanted to keep him as the commander of the prison camp. With such seemingly unbreakable excuses to defend, Shi Ye stepped forward with confidence, used his superb legal skills to catch the loopholes in the contract, and stood by the major. Skilled in analyzing logical knowledge in front of him, to reduce his guilt and avoid the death penalty. The major was also touched by this oriental man with the face of an ascetic monk, his tone softened, and he tacitly cooperated with every question and answer from Yonoi. Meeting Shiye's gaze, the brief but persistent eye contact admiring each other silently. "Hello, I'm Jack Sillias, how about you, officer? "" Yonoi, I am Captain Yonoi. "Do you have any evidence that you were tortured?" ""Yes. Jack quickly unbuttoned his buttons and showed him his shoulders and back without any hesitation. Shi Ye panicked. "Put on your shirt. No more questions." For the first time, he actually had a problem with a man's body But even in the feudal society, it is a very common procedure for men to show their backs to men in the courtroom. puzzled.

Jack cast a suspicious, curious look at the captain.

This time, Shi Ye no longer dared to look him in the eyes, and bowed his head out of the courtroom.

Jack pondered for a moment, remembering that Shi Ye was looking at his eyes just now, and felt that maybe he was being cared about. But what about sympathy? Jack was about to be executed all the time.

▲ The knot in my heart that I betrayed my younger brother when I was young has never been solved for more than 20 years, but it has become heavier. He became more and more world-weary, so he didn't skimp on his life on the battlefield, and he was ready to sacrifice at any time, which was a relief to him. The guards yelled at him rudely and told him to stand up. Jack didn't take it seriously. He slowly followed the routine of the morning wash and made up a non-physical melodrama performance. The Japanese soldiers in Muna were confused and thought that the condemned prisoner was crazy. And in the eyes of the audience, nothing can exude Jack's charm more than this paragraph. Can a fat Japanese officer smirk and ask if he can guess what he's thinking? (Meaning that Jack's white and tender neck is the most suitable for practicing knives) Jack's expressionless face now showed a hint of ferocity, but the officer who sneered back at the fat-headed and big-eared officer was beaten up. He was handcuffed and weak after being tortured and had no strength to fight back.

Afterwards, he was put in the execution room, stubbornly refusing to be blindfolded, stubbornly refusing to be supported by the Japanese soldiers, and insisting on using his last courage and humor to face the coming of death. Jack is so handsome. A puff of smoke cleared, but he was unharmed. Yonoi walked upstairs slowly and appeared behind Jack who was teasing "good marksmanship", like a god who silently guarded him. It turned out that it was Shiye who was dealing with it, and Jack was rescued and was secretly arranged into a prison camp. This was the first time he had protected him, with what he thought was nothing but admiration.

▲ Beside the shady prison camp, Lawrence recognized Jack who fainted and greeted him, but was greeted by a flogging from the soldiers. After Shiye found out, he was so angry that he whipped the soldier with a stick, and didn't stop until Lawrence pleaded for the soldier. This is the second time Shi Ye has defended him. In the starry night, Shiye led several first-class doctors to the prison camp, looked at Jack's sleeping face from a distance, and said, "Cure this man as soon as possible." His eyebrows were full of love and pity, as if he was in a crush. Shy like a little girl. This is the third time Shi Ye has taken care of him.

▲ And Jack also responded to Shiye's love: when he woke up in the hospital, he could clearly identify that person was Shiye by shouting; when Lawrence told him that Shiye liked him a little, he The joy in his eyes flickered uncontrollably, the corners of his mouth twitched and he said with a smile, "Maybe I have the same mind as him." Yes, how could Jack not be moved? Facing the man who saved his life in front of the cold bullet, facing the man who also likes Shakespeare, facing the man who hides tenderness under the cold military uniform, Jack was warmed by the many small actions he secretly made. If you still want to carry the original sin and continue to live, please let him be worthy of his existence. The appearance of Shiye undoubtedly added a light and added light to his gray life. Coming from a romantic and open western country, Jack has no doubts about his affection, and his judgment of Shi Ye's affection is also accurate, but unfortunately Shi Ye never seems to admit that he is in love with Jack. Yonoi was a nobleman during the Showa period, with power and inviolable dignity. Instilled in the idea of ​​loyalty to the emperor since childhood, he is conceited and inferior. But he didn't mind putting his powers to work on Jack, Jack was worth it, and he knew it was worth it from the first sight of him in court. From a calm "please heal him as soon as possible" to an anxious "Why is he still not well? Hurry up to this officer!", Shi Ye cared more and more about Jack, he was afraid that Jack, who was seriously injured, would not wake up from now on. very afraid. He can only cover up this fear with his irritability, which is also one of the methods of brainwashing of the Yamato Ethos. Perhaps Yono has noticed his admiration for Jack at this time, since being asked by Lawrence "why do you care so much about Celias". When the love is still in the cradle of Nirvana, contradictions will come one after another. One day, the Bushido that Yonoi believed in made him unable to tolerate the laziness in the captive camp, and punished himself and the captives with "fasting". What he didn't expect was that Jack, who advocates freedom, took the lead in breaking the rules. Jack picked a basket of red flowers, and the red flowers helped the steamed buns and distributed them to everyone in the hospital. "I've tasted steamed buns and flowers, and now I think flowers are more delicious." This undoubtedly violated Yonoi's aloof power. When the burning red flower was Jack, Yono couldn't get angry. He saw the same friendliness in Jack's eyes, and heard what Jack said to Lawrence, "He (Yenoi) is the same as me"... However, Shi Ye appreciates Jack's free temperament more and more, and the throbbing in the war once again tugs at the heartstrings that have just been suppressed. When Jack held up a flower to dedicate to Shi Ye, who had saved his life, his eyes were filled with childlike joy, like a playful The childish crush who tugged at the plait at the same table to get attention, Jack's eyes didn't show any surrender or fear to Shi Ye, but a disdainful teasing. The blood-stained flowers were between Jack's tongue, and he deliberately stared at Shi Ye with a poker face and chewed recklessly, to swear that his free soul would not be oppressed. Even though he is now being rudely escorted by two powerful soldiers, even if he is temporarily in a state of embarrassment, he refuses to enslave dignity and his mind will always stand upright and unrestrained. Why can't Shiye see Jack's will? He knew that this was a bird with beautiful feathers that could not be locked up. He admired Jack's self-esteem in his bones, and admired Jack who had Western thoughts, but he was a high-ranking officer, and Jack was a prisoner. Allow him to fall in love with such a disrespectful captive. Shi Ye desperately suppressed his admiration, pretended to be a ruthless commander, and locked Jack up according to law.

Before leaving, he asked Jack, and he also tortured his heart: "Who are you? Are you an evil spirit?" Jack was stunned for a moment, and habitually replied: "Yeah, I wish I was yours. One of the evil thoughts." Then, like an evil ghost, he bit the flower, but this unintentional operation consumed Ino's strong restraint. People have to use the word "beautiful" to describe the flirtatious man, who is staring at his eyes and eating the blood-colored flowers that symbolize temptation. How could Shiye not love him? He was about to drown in the inadvertent charm of this extravagant man in front of him!

He also resented the shallowness of his own concentration, and was afraid of this deep-rooted touch.

▲ Java is as hot as a steamer during the day, but as cold as ice at night. How could such a careful Shi Ye have the heart to let Jack freeze? So he gave Major Jack his own Persian blanket. After Jack's stabbing incident, he deeply kissed the blanket that blessed him, as if kissing the blanket's owner Shiye: "I'm still alive, it's great, I can continue to see you."

The "guard" who came to assassinate him asked the "guard", "Does the captain come every night?" When the "guard" answered "yes", the "guard" immediately killed him. There are two situations here, Shiye has entered the room, and Shiye has not. Either go in and chat with Jack and give him the Persian blanket by the way, or just look at him at the window every night after the blanket is delivered and call him "patrol" and so on.

▲ The similar positions in their respective military camps resonated with them for a time, and the same setting of disguising their hearts also made Jack sympathize with him. When seeing Jack for the first time, Yono admired the equally arrogant British soldier in front of him.

If Shiye is replaced as a senior commander of the fourth rank with long hair in ancient times, it is easy to imagine how he would not dare to go overboard. The captain of the commander went to the prison of the A-brand every night to visit the prisoners of different races, and accompany them to drink and chat. This is not an impetuous web novel, this is real history. According to the constraints of Japanese etiquette, Shiye will definitely not make any outrageous actions. And Jack won't be so abstinent. If he likes Shiye, he will definitely have skin-to-skin contact. Shiye avoids subconsciously, and the scene will be like a modern person teasing a monk. Jack respects the culture embodied in Shiye, and also has the feeling that "the poor people still live in the past". The love that could have been budding encountered a bottleneck with the discovery of radio. Jack thought that he and Lawrence would die, so when the guard was knocked out, he carried Lawrence on his back and planned to escape. On the way, Jack failed to escape from prison, conflicts broke out, and he met Shi Ye. Faced with the inevitable real situation, Shi Ye drew his bayonet. He wants to practice the mission of "loyalty to the emperor after his death", he wants to kill the love silk of "cutting things without reason and chaos", and he wants to live up to the cultivating teachings of "Japanese religion". However, at this time, Jack dropped the dagger and smiled. He smiled loosely, relieved, and smiled warmly, as if to say: dear, don't be impatient, I just don't leave. Jack saw the entanglement in Shiye's eyes, Shiye would be unfaithful if he let him go, and he would be unjust if he didn't let him go. Jack didn't put Shiye in a dilemma, how could he bear it. From the sentence "Why don't you fight me? Beat me and you will be free", it can be seen that Shi Ye intends to let Jack go on purpose. Yoyo chose to fight Jack in order to fulfill his duty as a samurai, and he deliberately lost to Jack in order to conform to his sincerity. Shi Ye disguised well, at least he deceived himself. It's a pity that he couldn't deceive Jack. When Shiye found out that Jack was about to escape, Shiye's eyes clearly showed heartache. He wanted to blame Jack for leaving him, but he could only pretend to be angry to hide his disappointment. However, Jack threw the knife down, with a little pampering and a little understanding. He saw that Shiye was unwilling to admit this love, and laughed at Shiye still advocating force to solve problems, but Shiye's irritable and arrogant temper was extremely cute in Jack's eyes. Jack understands that Shiye can't practice cruelty and cruelty in himself, understands his entanglement, understands that he is escaping from the sleepless heart of Jack. Jack's escape can be said to have pushed Shiye's inner contradictions to the top. Shiye almost had to admit that he fell in love with Jack, almost betrayed the emperor, and almost apologized to death. And Jack put down the short knife, that is, to extinguish the many crises that rushed to Shiye. I think what Jack was thinking at the time was, "Honey, I don't want to be on the knife's edge with you, in our In civilization, when you treat someone you love, you should give him flowers, kisses and roses. I will not confront you in such brutal form, never. So I put down the knife and returned you with a smile. So, don't panic anymore, dear captain, my dear Yono, I'm just not leaving. "

Why do two people with very different cultural backgrounds fall in love with each other?

The answer is in the question. It is precisely because their attitudes towards life are diametrically opposed that they are attracted to each other. Jack sees a world like obsessive-compulsive disorder: a Japanese clan with strict family education, a cute paranoid, and a petty madman who has been brainwashed by the state.

And Shi Ye sees Jack: rude Western men, free and uninhibited romantic personality, etc.

Although the two are "weird" in each other's eyes, they are very "cute" and "cute".

Physically: Yono saves Jack. Spiritually: Jack saves Shi Ye. But more, Jack is Shiye's redemption. Since the "strong kiss" incident, Yono was considered by the state as "betraying the emperor" and was punished accordingly. It's better to be sent to guard the women's prison, at least not to be tried by an international tribunal. As he got older, Yono realized that if he had been the executioner of the Japanese Empire, his sins would really not be redeemed. After the death of his lover, he gradually changed from a firm belief in the country in his youth to a belief in the truth. After getting old, I recalled that it was Jack's sacrifice that saved his lost soul, so he had to bring that strand of hair back to the ancestral hall.

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Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.