Two actress-level characters acted in a bad movie, and the level of boredom has caught up...

Ludwig 2022-10-20 01:23:03

Two actress-level characters acted in a bad movie, and the level of boredom has caught up...

It was for Anne Hathaway. At the beginning, our big witch was dignified, beautiful and generous, with a ferocious and malicious heart in her pretentious posture. A set of lightning magic was so smooth and fairy, even if she turned into a big mouth and bald head. She couldn't resist her beauty, but when she reached the climax, she became a monster who couldn't fight with magic, couldn't even catch a mouse, and only grinned and screamed.

To borrow a very popular phrase now, it is said that young children may clap their hands and applaud, but adults will taste the same when they see it.

I haven't read the old version. I heard that the ending of the old version is that the great witch has a witch who is not evil, but she was forced to follow the great witch all the time. Luckily, she did not drink the soup of the dinner party and escaped the disaster. . After that, she sneaked to the little boy and grandma's house and turned the three mice back into children.

Isn't it better than the new version of a few mice excitedly playing with toys?

As the saying goes, there are good people among bad people, and there are bad people among good people. There is no absolute good or bad in this world.

However, I have to say that the special effects of these three little mice are too cute!

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The Witches quotes

  • Grand High Witch: That's how you want to play, we'll play the Shakespeare way.

  • Bruno Jenkins: Why are we mouses?

    Hero BoyDaisy: Mice!

    Bruno Jenkins: Whatever.