How long can humans jump?

Adela 2022-12-03 15:38:06

The documentary begins with a close-up of Chernobyl and ends with a vision of Chernobyl.

Very fable.

Chernobyl, which has endured the most serious nuclear pollution in modern times, actually glowed with strong vitality after the human beings moved away.

Green vegetation grows savagely and wild animals live freely.

How ironic, it turns out that humans are a more toxic source of pollution than nuclear radiation.

Otherwise, some people say that the epidemic in 2020 is actually the earth's self-cleaning plan.

The earth has been repairing itself and cleaning up the factors that endanger its health in its own way.

For now, the most harmful murderers to the earth are only humans.

Homo sapiens, a species, is extremely cruel to non-me races, excluding dissidents and exterminating all other species on the earth.

After killing Neanderthals and Homo erectus, Homo sapiens eventually became the only "human" on earth, standing at the top of the food chain.

Homo sapiens, who have no natural enemies, can reproduce arbitrarily, occupy resources, and do whatever they want.

As the only high-level creatures left on the earth, they have absolutely no love and sympathy for other creatures in the world. In order to satisfy their own desires, they can easily make this world, even if they survive longer than humans, creatures on the road to extinction.

Species disappear one by one, the balance of the earth is broken, so global warming, climate change, virus rampant, population decline...

While frantically absorbing nutrients from the earth, human beings are actually quietly pushing themselves on the road to extinction.

If this goes on, how long will the earth last? How long can humans survive?

The documentary predicts that at the current rate, by the 2100s, temperatures will rise, land will become waste, resources will be exhausted, and a sixth mass extinction will be staged.

That is to say, in our lifetime, it is very likely to witness the occurrence of this catastrophe.

Are we to be witnesses to this happening?

The old man David Attenborough has devoted his life to the earth. Even at the age of 94, he is still fighting on the front line of protecting the earth.

We should be ashamed.

As inhabitants of this earth, what can we do for the earth and for ourselves?

The video ends with some advice for us - reduce population growth, eat less meat, use less fossil energy...

I hope that humans can wake up earlier and hop longer.

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Extended Reading

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet quotes

  • David Attenborough: This is not about saving our planet, it's about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.

  • David Attenborough: The living world will endure. We humans cannot presume the same. We've come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. We require wisdom.