one of the best gay movies

Alisa 2022-04-05 09:01:07

I've almost forgotten about the huge number of gay films I watched a few years ago, with only a few of them still lingering in my mind, including "Hold On Him". Briefly write a few points:

1. Compared with American homosexual films such as "The Ordinary Heart" and "Dallas Buyers Club", the political expression of this work is not strong, focusing on the love of Tim and John for fifteen years, which is actually a more profound one. kind of path. Same-sex films cannot be a tool for specific groups to make complaints, and gender issues cannot be limited to political discourses such as rights and equality. As the drama school teacher in the film said, "more than sexuality".

2. From the period when the two were infected with AIDS, it is not difficult to know that Tim and John actually had other sexual relations than each other. The long-distance relationship shows the untested part of human nature; but on the other hand, the two have always been in love with each other. With each other and through the difficult years of illness together, the lasting love of this kind reflects the brilliance of human nature. The good point of the film is that it tells the truth and compassion of the darkness and light in human nature.

3.John loves to laugh. His long eyelashes and pulsing eyes have an instant calming power. When his lungs are hurting, he doesn't forget to wink at Tim, for fear that he is too worried about himself. Most of the same-sex films on the subject of AIDS try to exaggerate the misery, but "Hold Him" ​​is not the case. The audience will not feel particularly sad. After witnessing the plot of John and Tim's death, it is easy to have more hope for human nature and love itself. .

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Extended Reading

Holding the Man quotes

  • Timothy Conigrave: What happens to my soul if I go mad? Does it stay trapped inside or is it floating free?

  • Timothy Conigrave: [to John] I should have worked harder to make you come.

    [Girls laugh]

    Timothy Conigrave: Is there a problem?

    [Girls laugh harder]