Non-standard movie reviews for standard fans: Zero Three Four

Randall 2022-10-29 09:06:33

Saw the movie "Insanity" at the cinema.

Brother Crow, I haven't seen you for a long time. How did you become so virtuous? Where have you been, who was once thin and slender? Don't tell me you're fattening for this movie, I don't believe it if you kill me. Could it be that you are tired of the film and television industry, and you are ready to do something after retirement - just like Jordan, who chose to play baseball after a short retirement - so fat, there seems to be no other choice other than going to Japan to be a sumo wrestler. ? Hehe, just kidding, I know you won't mind.

Brother Crowe, despite your fatness, I recognized you on the big screen. I'm sorry to say that despite my desperate attempts to find a plausible comment for your fat guy during the movie, it ended in failure. This character can be fat, of course, or not fat, that is to say, fat or not does not help the plot, but damages the movie. As an actor who has been in Hollywood for many years, I think you definitely don't want to see this happen. Maybe you are a fan of the authorities and don't realize this, it's like the back of the head in the movie "Yiyi"; fortunately, I was a bystander and saw this scene, and I used the lines in "Yiyi" to say it - you can't see it, I will shoot it I'll show you this - after the police came, you pushed the burning hostage to the police, only to be shot by the police and then easily escaped. It's not very logical, is it? You are so fat, wouldn't it be easy for the police to chase you? I know you'll quibble that the police didn't chase you because they wanted to put out the hostages, well, if you're so determined to deceive yourself, I don't need to go further, because there are so many flaws in this movie.

Brother Crowe, I want to tell you that, despite the various flaws in the plot, this film is quite successful in creating tension, and the duration is moderate, and it can be seen in one go. If the blood level is higher It's even cooler. Of course, your acting is not restricted by the swelling of the skin, and the whole process is online. I suddenly remembered a sentence once said by an outdated Hong Kong actor - I have acted in bad movies, but I have never played bad roles. I'm not saying this movie is a bad movie, you know what I mean?

Brother Crowe, a good man doesn't fight with a woman, that bitch just honked your horn a few times, and you're going to kill her and her family. This kind of behavior is really a bit of a nuisance, but , which fits the title of the movie. Your behavior is a little over the top, but sometimes violence is a shortcut to a problem, no doubt about it.

Brother Crow, the traffic situation in China is also terrible, you will be angry after being honked a few times, buddy, do you know how many times I have to be honked by a car every day when I walk on the road? In China, all the drivers are grandfathers, there are no cars that give way to pedestrians, only fucking pedestrians give way to cars, especially when cars turn right, because there are no traffic lights restrictions, plus there are a lot of low-quality garbage, if you stop it (The reason why I use it, my meaning is very clear), it will whistle at you, and the trumpet is definitely not kind, it seems to say - go away, Lao Tzu is going over. And the theory of it is useless, because this kind of behavior has formed a habit in China. Do you know how scary the word "habit" is? There is a saying in China that a dog can't change what it eats, just like the screen-camera dogs in Chinese movie theaters. So, despite your extreme behavior, I choose to be on your side. I sincerely invite you to come to China and destroy all these grandchildren in the way in the movie.

two zero two zero / one zero / zero eight

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