Film Review | The father of world nature documentary David Attenborough and his 94-year-old curtain call documentary "A Journey of Life on Earth"

Deshaun 2022-10-21 01:54:26

To be honest, Sir Attenborough is 94 years old, and the world is in the not too distant future. Whether the ecology is going to be destroyed or not has little to do with him. But he said he felt very lucky to have lived in the best of times and had seen so much of the once colorful natural world, and he didn't want to choose to ignore it.



David Attenborough

David Attenborough (the gh at the end of English is not pronounced, the pronunciation of borough is actually /brə/, so Edinburgh Edinburgh is also /edinbrə/, which many people who are not familiar with English pronunciation will read it wrong. Prince George's standard pronunciation) was born in Isleworth, west London, and grew up in the University Building on the University College campus of Leicester, where his father was the headmaster. He then graduated from Clare College, Cambridge. He is the eldest of three long-lived sons. His older brother Richard is a famous British director, and his younger brother John is an executive at the Italian automaker Alfa Romeo.

He joined the Royal Navy in 1947, and his older brother joined the Air Force. In 1952, 26-year-old David Attenborough sent a cover letter to the BBC radio station, but unfortunately it was rejected. However, his resume aroused the interest of the producers of the BBC TV division, so he unexpectedly joined the TV station and started his career as a TV host for more than 50 years. His representative works include "Zoo Quest", "Wild Animals", "Life Trilogy", "Planet Earth" and the most familiar "Blue Planet".

In 1985, David Attenborough was knighted; in 2005, he was awarded the Royal Order of Merit. He is currently the trustee of the British Museum and the Royal Botanic Gardens, vice-president of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and president of the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature.

The movie opens in Chernobyl, where the greenery is overcast. After 30 years, nature once again conquered mankind and became the master here.

Sir David Attenborough is considered to be the person who has traveled the longest in history. He said in "A Life's Journey on Earth" that "I have been to every corner of the world" , killing the audience in front of the screen in seconds. For more than 50 years with the BBC production team, Attenborough has explored all the known ecological environments on the earth. He is not only an outstanding natural naturalist, but also a brave and fearless explorer and traveler. Known by the world as "the father of the world's natural documentaries" .

Whether it is the icy Antarctic or the scorching volcanic crater, from the barren and desolate Sahara Desert in Africa to the vibrant Amazon rainforest in South America, whether it is down to the mysterious underwater world or up to the 50-meter-high jungle canopy, He always appears next to the crystallization of nature's various forms of creation, panting but full of enthusiasm, presenting the splendor and splendor of the world of life to the audience vividly and truly. In this film, Attenborough's point of view is very interesting. He looks directly at the camera from a close distance, and your feeling is that he is just staring at you. David Attenborough: A Life's Journey on Earth Trailer


So, how bad is it? The film analyzes some key indicators of global climate since the Industrial Revolution. Among the most important indicators are: population, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ppm (parts per million) and remaining wilderness area. The global population has soared from 2.3 billion in 1937, 280 ppm atmospheric carbon dioxide , and 66% of wilderness area to 7.8 billion in 2020 , 415 ppm and 35% of the remaining wilderness area . The consequence of the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is the intensification of the greenhouse effect, the increase in global temperature, and the decline in IQ after people inhale air with a carbon dioxide concentration of more than 1000ppm. Have you found leaders of certain countries...cough...there was once a science fiction movie , A modern person travels to the future and finds that he has become the person with the highest IQ in the future. Maybe he will be stupid in the future. (Part of the scientific basis, here is a joke, just laugh) Two weeks ago, my country proposed the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. If not, how much time do we have left? Attenborough gave a timeline.

2030: Amazon transforms from rainforest to grassland, Antarctic summer without ice

2040: Arctic ice melts, releasing massive amounts of methane,

2050: Severe ocean acidification, coral die-off, and fish declines

2080: Farming soils are poor, pollinators go extinct

2100: Global warming of 4 degrees Celsius, most areas cannot survive

The Duke of Cambridge's royal baby talks to David Attenborough

All animals in nature are looking at you

Pay attention to the official account of Wenyi How , and reply to " Protect the Earth ", you can get the link to watch this documentary online.

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Extended Reading

David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet quotes

  • David Attenborough: This is not about saving our planet, it's about saving ourselves. The truth is, with our without us, the natural world will rebuild.

  • David Attenborough: The living world will endure. We humans cannot presume the same. We've come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. We require wisdom.