women are always alone

Arne 2022-03-21 09:01:53

In the movie, Sophia told Cleo, who was pregnant out of wedlock and abandoned by her lover, "No matter what others say, we women are always alone."

Yes, whether single or married, women are always single.

The hostess, Sophia, is a chemist with an exquisite life and a well-informed book. She is a good mother in the eyes of the children, and she considers herself a happy woman. Maid Cleo is young, kind, obedient and hardworking, and met her boyfriend Fermin through another maid. One of them has a family, the other has a love, it seems that they have changed from one person to two people. But in fact, Sophia encountered her husband cheating and leaving home. After Cleo was pregnant, when she told her lover the news, she was threatened by the other party with a long stick to "go away" and cursed her as a "damn servant".

At the beginning, Sophia burst into tears, angry and restrained, hoping that her husband could turn back and not abandon the family, especially the four minor children, hoping to maintain the appearance of a happy family by sacrificing herself. So she would argue with her husband indoors and give him a hug early in the morning before he leaves home.

And Cleo's situation is even more tragic, because she is deep in the bottom and has less choice. She didn't know what went wrong, and she didn't want to give birth to this child in her heart. Because I am worried that I will lose my job because of pregnancy, I cannot send money to my family and support myself.

I think Sophia needs to be more sober, she decided to change after trying to solve the problem unsuccessfully. Replace the big car that often scrapes the corridor with a smaller car that is more suitable for your own driving. After her husband didn't send money home for a long time, he found a full-time job in a publishing house and stopped working as a university teaching job with little income. At the same time, she also seriously comforted Cleo and took her to the hospital for examination.

But unfortunately, Cleo gave birth to a dead baby, and his heart was tormented. Sophia's husband also decided to leave completely and will move away from his own things.

But also because of the similar situation, the two single women became more able to understand and help each other. Perhaps this is also what is fascinating about female friendships, which can span age, class, educational experience, family background, and more.

In fact, from the very beginning, it was possible to see the boundaries between the identities of the two people. The maid was busy in the room, taking care of the children, helping with cleaning, turning off the lights, and finally walking to her own small room. The hostess is in a good life. She is a representative of the middle-class female elite, dressed in fashion, has a job, has a social status, and is respected.

Later in the movie, Sophia takes the child and Cleo to the beach for a vacation, and Cleo rescues the child who was almost swept away by the waves. Several people hugged and cried, and Cleo expressed the pain and sadness hidden in his heart. Two wounded women, though alone, decide to stand up and face reality.

At the dinner table, Sophia said to the children and Cleo: "Our lives will change, but we will spend it together!"


So, lovelorn or divorce is to become a person again?

In fact, women are always single, and do not become two or three because of love, marriage, and family ownership.

We are all independent individuals, and the most important thing is to have a firm inner energy to face the problems of life. With this ability, whether alone or with support, we can live well.

After watching "Eun Joo's Room" for a while, I realized that everyone actually acquired this ability at different stages. Some people are precocious, and they may be able to adjust to life well in their teens and take care of themselves. Some are later, for example, Eun-joo, who was frustrated in the workplace. She slowly regained the inner support of independent women.

Like ordinary you and me, Eun-joo is an ordinary white-collar worker in a design company. She often works overtime and has a picky relaxation. Her parents often urge her to get married, hoping that she will fall in love and get married soon. After working overtime to the limit and failing to sleep well for six days, Eun-joo had only one wish in her heart: "sleep until you wake up naturally".

She quit her job because of this, lost her workplace identity, and became completely alone.

In the beginning, Eun-joo was very happy, she had complete freedom, she slept until noon every day, and lived on her savings. But soon, six months later, she suddenly realized that the house was getting more and more messy. The clothes that could be seen everywhere were not arranged in any order, and the dining table and stove were full of things. But Eun-joo had no desire to clean up, and she became accustomed to it.

Fortunately, Eun-joo has a friend who grew up with him. He is an interior designer. Once, he brought a beautiful lamp from the company to Eun-joo and put it on for her. After that, Eun-joo found that the room became brighter all of a sudden. , the whole person seems to be open.

Maybe the help of friends and the change of the room turned on the switch that Eun-joo wanted to change, and she started to remodel her house by hand, "I feel that changing the room a little bit is changing myself a little bit, maybe I also want to change in my heart. yes".

She will also post the remodeled pictures on social software, so she gets help from people who have the same troubles. Eun-joo also slowly regained the value she needed, ending her decadent and sloppy life.

At the same time, Eun-joo also found the ability to live independently and became a person with inner driving force.

In reality, everyone loses their enthusiasm for life, but we need to find something to rekindle it.


And people who regard love and marriage as everything, it is easy to lose themselves after losing.

Because it is not terrible to be single forever or to be habitually dependent, but different people choose different ways of life, but the most terrible thing is to lose the ability to survive independently.

When the original world collapsed, she would have no hope and courage to continue living.

We all know that divorce is a neutral act. It is a legal way to end a marriage that is no longer sustainable. The Supreme People's Court released the "Special Report on Judicial Big Data Divorce Disputes", showing that 2 to 7 years after marriage is a period of high incidence of marriage breakdown, 77.51% of couples apply to the court for dissolution of marriage due to emotional discord, and 14.86% of couples apply to the court due to domestic violence. Applications for dissolution of the marriage were filed, while other couples were divorced for reasons such as disappearance or no return, bad habits and bigamy or extramarital affairs.

It is undeniable that some of these women are forced to choose divorce. They have been greatly betrayed and hurt in their marriage. Some people lose their trust in beautiful love, some people constantly question themselves, do not know how to relieve their inner wounds, and some even choose to commit suicide.

There was a news in Tianfu Morning Post before that Ms. Shuxia's sister committed suicide due to divorce. The two divorced before the Spring Festival. The husband took away her sister's only daughter, Xiaoxiao. The house leaked during the night rain, and the small factory where her sister was working lost her job because of the shutdown. He can only live alone in the three small bungalows left by his ex-husband.

Perhaps, she usually has no friends or hobbies that can help her relieve her inner pain, so she can only choose to call her sister and cry that she has completely lost hope in life. But Shuxia didn't say much because she was busy, only said to see her for a few days.

But she never thought that her 26-year-old sister chose to commit suicide by taking poison.

Perhaps, people who choose extreme ways to end their pain are somewhat vulnerable, but how to continue a life of sudden weightlessness when they encounter betrayal and marriage, and are hurt by the person they once trusted the most?

I think the last thing you should do is to blame yourself too much, question your worth too much, and care too much about the opinions of people around you because of the end of a relationship.

At the same time, we need to understand that love and marriage are ways and means for us to grow into a better version of ourselves, not a permutation that changes you from one person to two people. Some people learn to reflect in it, never know how to take care of others, and become considerate and sensible. Some people learn to be responsible and strong, and know that they can no longer be self-willed and must practice slowly to become a qualified adult. And in these processes, when I actually do it, I am still alone, but there is a student of the same period next to me. Like you, he is living his life for the first time.

Throughout our lives, we are always independent people, not changed by changes in social identity or family identity.

That's what Sophia said, "No matter what others say, we women are always alone."

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