Interpretation of the plot of the official drama creator

Genoveva 2022-11-26 05:35:59

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This interview contains details about the first season finale of HBO Max's "The Wolf is Coming" HBO Max put their Ridley Scott executive-produced series " Raising the Wolf " late last night late last night. The finale of the first season of Raised by Wolves . It's yet another sci-fi series from HBO's Westworld, Amazon's Tales From the Loop and CBS All Access' Picard that not only echoes loudly during a pandemic of human fragility, survival and interaction, but dazzlingly awaits the dunes We have a reputation for being technically savvy as we make our way to the big screen. After dropping the first three episodes, HBO Max continued "The Wolf Risen " for a second week , noting that it was their best-performing original, with viewership up nearly 50 percent in the second week. The series focuses on two robots (aka Necromancers), a mother (Amanda Colin) and a father (Abubakar Salim), who are tasked with raising them on the barren planet of Kepler 22B human child. Necromancers grow crops and fend off night-flying creatures (similar to Scott's alien cousinsskinny relatives)). They live in a world where humans have fled Earth to survive, with a racial divide between atheists and the religious Mithra who believe in the supreme Thor. Two atheists, Marcus (Travis Fimmel) and Su (Niamh Algar), take over the faces (yes, the faces) of the two Mithraists and are their survivors. Marcus is losing it and believes he is the ultimate Mithraic leader and Sol can be heard. Sue, who was trying to assist her mother in giving birth tonight, was shot. Then instead of having a baby, the mother will have a snake with a big footprint in season 2.

The series is evocative and provides several touchstones for Ridley Scott's Alien franchise , especially the recent Prometheus prequels . The mother thinks she is the villainous sister of Michael Fassbender's droid David. It's not an often discussed issue, but buried on Prometheus Blu - ray is an Easter egg linking the Alien franchise with Scott's Blade Runner. What conversations did you have with Ridley when you first pitched the series ? It stands on its own, but feels like a brilliant cousin to aliens. Will you finally connect " Wolf to Resurrection" with aliens ?

Aaron Guzikowski: Obviously, I had a profound influence on all of his work, Prometheus of course , and when I first met him, we Just talked about everything. But he never worried about how to connect to his other stuff. He prefers to accept it somehow. Obviously, I have a lot of respect for the other work he's done, because he's built an entire visual vocabulary based on modern science fiction. That's part of the show's vocabulary. I think he's also interested in going beyond that and looking at what new aspects we can discover in the aesthetic sense of all these aspects, and how these things, themes, relate to each other. There are many similar questions about what is a human being. Where are we really from? We try to explain all these grand mysteries to some extent. Since childhood, I have always been interested in religion and tried to find ways to explore these themes. So, it's interesting, but we never talked about how the series fits into that myth in particular, and never really got there. It's close relatives, as you say, to sit next to, but technically myths don't necessarily connect. The terrain you photographed is very beautiful. Where did you film the show? It looks like a real natural landscape, not a studio.

Guzkowski: Cape Town, South Africa. What's great is that Ridley actually likes to do a lot of things, so we have a lot of real locations, and where we're shooting in and around Cape Town, a lot of these environments are real: mountains, kind of falling over them, Then it falls down. This sort of thing happens naturally every morning, and the terrain there is also a little old and weird, and apparently, from the states, it's even more so. I mean, not many people live around there, but it's beautiful anyway. Lighting, it transports you in such a great way. When do you expect to shoot the second season? It seems feasible to film the show during COVID because there aren't many crowd scenes there. Guzkowski: We do have that edge, as far as season two, hopefully for a while early next year. And we're going back to South Africa, obviously in a different location, because we're going to be in another part of the planet. So we're going to be looking at a very different environment in the second season. Just like Earth, this planet can look very different depending on where you are. Skip to the last episode: There's another side to the tunnel Dad and Mom flew into. There's another side to Kepler-22B, isn't it, is that a vegetative? Guzkowski: Yes. The father and mother thought they were on a suicide mission to destroy the child, as the mother's birth would endanger the program and all of its other children, but what happened was that they ended up traveling all the way across Earth, not as in normal planets , burns in the middle of the core. Clearly, there is something unique about this planet. They just moved on and actually shot the other side of the globe in the tropics they always wanted to go to, but ironically, they didn't have kids, so it was a bit of a problem. So if you can elaborate on that, that mother snake will give birth. We thought she was actually impregnated by a human creator, which apparently isn't the case. Guzkowski: In the mostIn the latter episode, the mother even said, this is not our creator. There are other things in my body. We don't know what that was, but what we do know is that when they first arrived on the planet, they had found all these giant snake skeletons. So, at one point, what she gave birth to does exist on this planet. They were like dinosaurs on this planet, and somewhere it seemed to be something that somehow manipulated her to bring it back. So, in season two, there's a big new entry on the board, and that's the mother's seventh child, and she's going to have to deal with this seventh child. We also learned in the last episode that there are other people on Earth. tell us about them. Guzkowski: They were refugees from Earth, like the Mithras , even though the Mithras had believed that their enemies would not have the ability or technology to reach the planet. So, we'll find out how to make that happen in season two. There's a very different dynamic dynamic because you have this new team from Earth that when they get here they're able to keep a lot of their tech, as opposed to Mitranik, whose plane crashed and was very vulnerable.

Now, can we say Sue is dead? Guzkowski: No, actually, I can breathe some hope there. I would say that Su has a good chance of surviving into season 2. Little Paul could be Saul? Guzkowski: He's clearly connected to something. No matter what was being said to him, she was omniscient and knew what the lie Su told him was. So it seems like he stopped engaging with Marcus at the beginning of the season, whatever he was engaging with. It's probably tied to any impregnated mother in some way, shape or form, and we'll explore that in season two to try to figure out why. The hieroglyphs Paul found in the cave? Guzkowski: Hieroglyphs are weird. Apparently we saw them and they do look like father and mother in the spaceship and there seem to be a lot of embryos in there so we have to wonder. I mean, these are cave drawings. They appear to have lived there for thousands of years. Father and mother arrived here 13 years ago. So the question becomes, how is it possible? What does it mean? Is there some kind of split in time and space?

Do you think Sue and Marcus will be more aligned with Necromancers or the new humans on Earth in Season 2? Guzikowski: It remains to be seen. Although I can say that the new humans on this planet, or whatever, some of them will come from... Atheists and Mithra forces have changed a little bit. Many of these people are from atheists, and in a sense, when they pretend to be Mithraists in order to save themselves, that's basically the betrayal side of Marcus and Sue. So, in season two, they'll face off against some old friends. Are you already telling the story in season two? Yes I have. Although I don't know if we're going to renew, I just stuck with it until the first season. I know that if I don't keep working hard, there won't be enough lead time to move on. So I bet a little bit on that. The series now fills all the parking spots in my brain. So I can only stream on Kepler 22b whenever I can. This interview contains details about HBO Max's season one finale of Raised by Wolves HBO Max dropped the season one finale to their Ridley Scott executive produced series Raised by Wolves in the middle of last night. It's another sci-fi series up there with HBO's Westworld, Amazon's Tales From the Loop, and CBS All Access' Picardthat not only echoes loudly during the pandemic when it comes to human frailty, survival and interaction, but is just as bedazzling to watch in its tech savvy as we wait for Dune to hit the big screen. HBO Max renewed Raised by Wolves for a second season weeks after dropping its first three episodes, noting it as their top-performing original with an audience jump in week 2 of nearly 50%. The series centers on two androids (aka necromancers), Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim) ), who are tasked with raising human children on the barren planet Kepler-22B. The necromancers raise crops and fend themselves from flying creatures of the night (akin to distant skinny relatives of Scott's A liens). They live in a world in which humans have fled Earth for their own survival, the race divided between atheists and religious followers, the Mithraic, who believe in the supreme being Sol. Two atheists, Marcus (Travis Fimmel) and Sue (Niamh Algar ) have taken over the faces (yes, faces) of two Mithraic followers, and are among their survivors. Marcus is losing it, and believes he's the Mithraic's ultimate leader and can hear the voices of Sol. Sue, who tries to assist Mother in giving birth tonight, gets shot. And then Mother doesn't give birth to a child, rather to a snake who'll have a big footprint in season 2. The series is so reminiscent and offers several touchstones to Ridley Scott'sAl ienfra nchise especially the recentProm etheus pre quels. Mother feels like she's the bad-ass sister to Michael Fassbender's android David. This isn't often discussed, but buried on the Prom e theus Blu- ray is an Easter egg connecting the Alien franch ise to Scott's Blade Runner. What we re some of the conversations you had with Ridley when you first pitched the series? It stands on its own, but it feels like a wonderful cousin to Alien. Will yo u ultimately connect Raised b y Wolves to Alien s ?

Aaron Guzikowski: Obviously, I was hugely influenced by all of his work, Prometheusincluded, for sure, and when I first met with him, we talked all about it. But there was never any concern with him in terms of how it was going to connect to his other stuff. He more wanted to just kind of take it for what it was. And obviously, there's a lot of homages to the other stuff he's worked on, I mean, because he's built this whole visual vocabulary in terms of modern science fiction. That's part of the vocabulary of the show. I think he was also interested in evolving beyond that and seeing what new aspects we could discover in terms of the aesthetic of all of this and how these things, the themes, connect. There are a lot of the same sort of questions about what is it to be human. Where do we really come from? All these grand mysteries that we're trying to interpret on some level. Starting from childhood,I've always been interested in religion and trying to find ways to explore those themes. So, it was interesting, but we never talked about how specifically the series would fit into that mythology, nor was that really ever the goal. As you said , it's a close cousin, and it can kind of sit alongside it, but technically speaking, the mythologies don't link up, necessarily.The terrain where you shoot is gorgeous. Where do you shoot the show? It looks like a real, natural landscape, not studio.

Guzikowski: Cape Town, South Africa. What's so great is that Ridley likes to do a lot of stuff practically, and so we had a lot of real locations, and where we shot in and around Cape Town, so much of those environments are real : the mountains, the weird clouds that kind of fall down over the mountains and cascade down. That happened every morning just naturally, and just something about the topography there, it feels kind of ancient and kind of weird, and you know, obviously, from the states, it's even more so. I mean, people who live around there, it's not so much, but it's just beautiful in every which way; the lighting, and it just transports you in this great way.When do you anticipate shooting season two? It looks like a feasible show to shoot during COVID in that there aren't a lot of crowd scenes. Guzikowski: We do have that advantage, and in terms of season two, it's going to be some time early next year, hopefully. And we'll be going back to South Africa, and obviously, in different locations because we're going to be on a different part of the planet; so a very different sort of environment that we're going to be looking at for season two. Like Earth, this planet, depending on where you are, can look very different . Diving into the final episode: that tunnel that Mother and Father flew into has another side to it. There's a whole other side to Kepler 22B, isn't there, that's vegetative? Guzikowski:Exactly. Mother and Father think they're on a suicide mission to destroy this child that Mother's given birth to that will eventually endanger the plan and all her other children, but what happens is, they end up going all the way through the planet as opposed to burning up in the middle of the core, as you would in a normal planet. Obviously, there's something about this planet that's unique. They just keep going, and they actually shoot out on the other side of the planet in the tropical zone where they've always wanted to get to, but ironically, they don't have their children with them, so it's a bit of a problem.S o, the serpent Mother gives birth to, if you can expound on that. We were thinking she was impregnated by her human creator virtually, and obviously that's not the case. Guzikowski: In the final episode, Mother even says, it wasn't our creator; something else put this inside of me. We don't know what that is, but what we do know is when they first arrived on this planet, they had found all these giant serpent skeletons. So, at one point, this thing that she's given birth to did exist on this planet. They were like the dinosaurs of this planet, and somewhere, what it was, it seems that it has somehow manipulated her into bringing these things back. So, in season two, there's a big new piece on the board that's Mother's seventh child, which she's going to have to deal with. An d we also learned in the last episode that there are other humans on the planet . Tell us about them. Guzikowski: They're refugees from Earth just like the Mithraic, though the Mithraic had believed that their enemies wouldn't have the ability or the technology to ever reach this planet. So we'll find out in season two how that was made possible. There's a very different power dynamic, as you have this new group arriving from Earth, and they're able to keep a lot of their tech when they get here, as opposed to Mithraic whose shipped crashed and are pretty vulnerable.

Now, can we say that Sue is dead? Guzikowski: No, actually, I can breathe some hope there. I would say that Sue has a very good chance of surviving into season two. And little Paul might be Sol?Guzikowski: He's obviously Whatever spoke to him had the omniscience to know what it knew about the lies that Sue was telling to him. So he is in touch with, it seems, whatever Marcus has been in touch with, earlier in the season before he stopped hearing it. It probably connects in some way, shape, or form to whatever impregnated Mother, which we'll get into in season two, trying to figure out who's behind all that. And the hieroglyphics that Paul finds in the cave? Guzikowski:The hieroglyphics are strange. Obviously, we see them, and they do appear to be Mother and Father in a spacecraft, and there appears to be, a store of embryos there, and so we have to wonder. I mean, these are cave drawings . They look to have been there for a long, long time, thousands of years. Mother and Father arrived here 13 years ago. So the question becomes, how can this be? What does this mean? Is there some sort of schism in terms of time and space?

Do you think Sue and Marcus will become more aligned with the necromancers in season 2 or the new humans on the planet? Guzikowski: It does remain to be seen. Though I can say the new humans on this planet, or some of them anyway, would be from…there's a little bit of a power shift in terms of the Atheists and the Mithraic. A lot of these humans would be from the Atheist side, and that's the side that Marcus and Sue basically betrayed, in a sense, when they pretended to be Mithraic in order to save themselves. So they're going to kind of be faced with some of their old friends in season two. Have you already started breaking story on season two?Yes, I have. I just kind of kept going after season one, even though I didn't know if we were going to be renewed or not. I knew that if I didn't keep going and I wouldn't have that lead time to keep going. So I took a little gamble on that one. The series is filling up all the parking spaces in my brain right now. So, as long as it goes, I'm just going to kind of just live on Kepler -22b.h _

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