I also wanted to be a king when I was young

Halle 2022-03-21 09:01:59

Every child is a brave but vulnerable little beast

Little monsters who need company and warmth

"Do you know how to escape unhappiness and loneliness?"

I am willing to do anything to protect my little world, and I also want to have a group of friends who can play and play happily together.

Ask your question, Max, no more than 7 words.....

M: "How do I make everyone OK?"

I just want to make everyone happy and keep everyone together

“No one really listens to you, uh?”

learn to listen

"You're out of control!"

learn not to yell

“Am I as bad as he said I am?”

"He didn't mean to be that way, he's just scared."

In the small kingdom built by myself, I slowly learn not to vent my emotions through a big riot, slowly learn to communicate with myself, slowly learn to face my own mistakes, and slowly learn to take care of other people's feelings...

Learn to express love and kindness,

Learn to say goodbye and move on.

Every child is a little monster,

But in my mother's heart, he was just a child.

"But he loves you, you're his family"

“I wish you guys had a Mom”

EP /All is well./

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Extended Reading

Where the Wild Things Are quotes

  • [first lines]

    Max: Hey, Claire. Wanna see something great?

    Claire: [on the phone] Who else was there?

    Max: It's an igloo! I made it.

    Claire: Yeah, my brother.

    Max: Hey, Claire!

    Claire: I can't. We're supposed to go to my dad's that weekend.

    Max: The snowplows left some snow across the street, and I dug a hole into it.

    Claire: Go and play with your friends.

  • [last lines]

    The Bull: Hey, Max?

    Max: Yeah?

    The Bull: When you go home, will you say good things about us?

    Max: Yeah, I will.

    The Bull: Thanks, Max.

    Judith: You're the first king we haven't eaten.

    Alexander: Yeah, that's true.

    Judith: See ya.

    Alexander: Bye, Max.

    Max: Bye.

    KW: Don't go. I'll eat you up; I love you so.

    [all howl]