If this is "fake", please post more on the screen

Makayla 2022-03-21 09:02:30

Injured to the hospital,

Where should I go when my feelings are hurt?

This is not a brain teaser, and the answer is not a mental hospital.

When the male protagonist's wife asked this question, the male protagonist's father was lying in the hospital for rescue, but the male protagonist refused to accompany him on the excuse of work.

It is very in line with a warm and healing movie, which will focus on the details.

So, the story of the movie being released on the mainland, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, doesn't start out good at all.


Are you angry?

Anger is the label of journalist Roald.

Even more angry, his prodigal father Jerry came to tease him again.

So father and son fought at Roald's sister's wedding. Roald's nose was injured and everyone could see it.

What can suppress this anger is life.

The editor-in-chief asked Roald to do a character interview for the theme of "Mr. Esquire", which could not be refused——

Interview subject: Heroes around you

Interviewee: Famous children's show host Fred Rogers

Task goal: 400-word interview draft, write a few interesting little things

Upon receiving this task, Roald made no secret of his rejection—

Roald: That fake children's show host?

Editor-in-Chief: It's the beloved host.

A reluctant Roald was forced to fly to Fred Rogers' city to record his children's show.

It happened that a little boy with an oxygen tube was throwing a tantrum, brandishing a toy sword, and was very uncooperative.

The recording time had to be postponed again and again, and the on-site staff had become impatient. Only Fred Rogers didn't mind. He crouched down and said to the little boy: "I believe that your heart must be very strong."

This sentence touched the weak little boy, and he finally put down his sword and hugged Fred Rogers.

This scene fell into Roald's eyes, but the feeling was not so warm.

Although this is his first contact with the real Fred Rogers outside the camera, as a reporter, the scene in front of him just made him realize: The label "Mr. Rogers" has not only appeared on the show, but has also been used by extends beyond the lens.

So he kept asking in subsequent interviews: Take off the coat of "Mr. Rogers", what do you look like?

Yes, Roald, who is full of scars, as a reporter, has seen too much the dark side of society, and does not believe that there are saints in the real world.

Intriguingly, Fred Rogers avoided his question in the interview.

Instead, asked by the scars on Roald's face, he peeped into his scars and anger, hiding the memories of his dead mother, and the anger and resentment of his father who abandoned their mother and son in childhood.

When it comes to understanding people's hearts, Roald is far from an opponent.

The interview ended abruptly due to Fred Rogers' busy schedule.

Roald was not reconciled and told the editor-in-chief that he hoped to make another interview.

The editor-in-chief objected:

All you have to do is write a few funny little things about Fred Rogers. Mr. Fred Rogers, known all over the United States, is undoubtedly the "hero around". 400 words is enough, we have no intention of knowing what the real Fred Rogers looked like.

A tired Roald returns home to find his father Jerry and his current wife having dinner at his home.

That is the woman the father abandoned his wife and son to pursue. Jerry brought the junior third to his son's house and introduced him to his sons and daughters-in-law.

Roald's anger was difficult to quell, and he complained to his father:

Do you know what a dying person looks like?

I thought it would be peaceful, but it wasn't!

Mom kept screaming,

There are only doctors, nurses, and me around,

She fainted, woke up and continued to scream...until she died!

Following Roald's accusation, Jerry fell to the ground with his head wailing.

Jerry suffered a heart attack and was dying.

Surgery is risky and death is an irreversible outcome.

Roald didn't go to see, let alone accompany him. He was leaving the hospital and went to Fred Rogers to complete the unfinished interview.

The wife was shocked:

The people who matter most to you are in the hospital right now, not the time to go to work.

His wife asked him:

Injured to the hospital,

Feeling hurt, where should I go?

Unknown to Roald, he went to Fred Rogers to escape or find answers.

This looks like a healing story about childhood trauma.

Caring for inner growth today is not a rare topic, but it is still a common trauma.

Don't think this is just a cliché healing chicken soup.

"A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" has won a lot of praise --

Time Magazine named it the top ten films of 2019.

So far, it has been nominated for 12 categories of awards, including the 2020 Oscars, Golden Globes, BAFTAs, Screen Actors Guild Awards, etc.

In contrast, the film's sluggish ratings and evaluations in the mainland show a huge gap.

How come?

The secret is: this is a film that requires "feelings".


who is fred rogers

Fred Rogers, the host played by Tom Hanks, is not the hero, but the soul of the film.

The film has received so many nominations, half of which are for Best Supporting Actor.

Tom Hanks, when you mention this name, you might think of "The Philadelphia Story", "Forrest Gump", "Saving Private Ryan", "Desert Island", "Captain Sully", etc. , each one is a classic.

He has won the Best Actor Award at the Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Oscars, and won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 77th Golden Globe Awards in 2020.

He has never played a villain, and almost only played a hero, so fans call him: the last good man in Hollywood.

When the male supporting role, Tom Hanks is also the one who controls the field.

This time, he played the "American Legend", the "National Dad" of the United States, and the "Saint" - Fred Rogers.

Left: Stills Right: The real Fred Rogers himself

Fred Rogers, what an amazing man.

He is a famous American TV host, regarded by Americans as "the perfect man after God" .

Since the 1960s, he has produced and hosted the famous American children's TV show "MisterRogers' Neighborhood", which broadcasted 895 episodes in 33 years and influenced generations of Americans. People are affectionately known as He is "Mr. Rogers".

This is no ordinary children's show.

Its recording theme, the scale of which is rare so far, involves-

War, death, race, assassination, divorce, idols…

In the last century, when the war was followed by the Cold War, the problems that parents didn't know how to communicate with their children, in Fred's show, the children were able to learn from a growth perspective.

Even today, this is not an easy task.

With a fairytale-like virtual community, plus stuffed animals like Dennis the Tiger, Prince Tuesday, plus some live-action role-playing, and more, Rogers tells kids the truth about the world the way they want.

"The world is not always a good place, no matter what we do kids will know sooner or later, but we can help them understand and accept that."

--Fred Rogers

Therefore, Rogers can be called another "father" in the process of American children growing up, and a good neighbor who will lean over to care for the children's hearts.

Naturally, countless accolades came, including but not limited to: 4 Emmys, 1 National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, 1 Emmy for Lifetime Achievement, and 1 Presidential Medal of Freedom.

However, in the magic of "Mr. Rogers", there is also his mystery.

He lives in the limelight, and all his past is covered up.

Who is the real Fred Rogers?

No one knows, and no one goes into it, people only need a little legend to talk about, and they need more care to warm their hearts.

The legend that he participated in the Vietnam War and killed many people mentioned in the film comes from life.

Does such a person who lives in the spotlight and legend really only have the "saint" side?

The truth that reporter Roald wants to unearth is also the uncontrollable suspicion of the audience in front of the screen.

In this regard, several details in the film are set very well-

Fred Rogers' wife pointed to Rawls: to see how Fred cooperated with his assistant Bill, and used a trick of "removing flowers and trees" to take over the enthusiastic hands of fans without a trace, and take Fred from the crowd. liberated from.

Fred's wife said: "He's not a perfect person.

When Rogers asked about Fred's true heart, Fred never responded directly. He just repeatedly hid himself behind a stuffed toy to avoid the question.

At most, when he enlightens Rogers, he only mentions his childhood as "Fat Freddy" and what swimming and music mean to him.

At the end of the film, Roald's emotions are relieved, family relationships are repaired, and they are reborn.

Fred, who had finished recording another TV program, sat down in front of the piano, and in the gradually extinguished light, he vented out a series of duang duang duang heavy piano notes, and then switched back to the peaceful mode.

He once said that when he was in a mood, he would go swimming or play the piano.

Another person's childhood wounds are healed, another family's life is straightened out, and as a godfather, Fred is God's most loyal messenger, soothing the hearts of many.

And who can redeem his emotions?

I can't help but think of the "One Minute Silence" that Fred brought Roald in the restaurant--

When the world is silent,

The only one who can talk is you.

This one-minute silent scene is taken from the actual operation of Fred Rogers on the show.

Fred Rogers passed away in February 2003 at the age of 73.

Instead of asking Jerry to pray for help, he went to meet God in person, and it must have been an interesting meeting.


Eternal Healing, and Hypocrisy

The film is based on true events.

There is a dialogue in the film that I remember deeply-

Roald: In the mid-70s, you took a three-year break, why?

Fred: Because I've done everything I think can be done.

Roald: Why come back?

Fred: With my two sons entering puberty, I realized that there were so many questions that were left unexplored.

Roald: It seems that their growth process was not easy.

Fred: For a long time, the eldest son did not mention me to outsiders, and the younger son did not want to communicate. And now, they are my pride.

It turns out that "National Dad" can't be perfect either.

The wound of the saint Fred is hidden from people's eyes, just like Fred's real self, hidden behind the shell of "Mr. Rogers".

But is it necessary to reveal it to the world?

Is it necessary to demand perfection and avoid it?

Fred sang in his own song:

It's been hard work, it's not easy.

But this is growth.

You do it yourself, and it turns out who did it.

Every step in the past has shaped the real you.

Accepting your true self is the most healing .

The song is the voice of the heart, it may not be sung to myself.

When Roald received an interview assignment, he said that Fred was "the hypocritical host", maybe he was right--

If restraint and self-management every moment is a kind of hiding of nature, then a hypocritical person like Fred without moral spots is really too suitable to be an idol, a sculpture, a totem.

Only the "fake" that has been firmly implemented for decades can cure the hesitation.

It's no wonder that this retro-style film with an old-fashioned plot and simple characters has received so much attention and praise.

People reminisce about Fred and substitute for Roald. In the fast-paced era, they relive their childhood feelings and regain the courage to move forward.

In the age of lack of faith, meet a man of faith.

For those of us who can't synchronize with our feelings, if we can use this film to get to know the person who used to be kind and kind for 33 years and practiced "I like you the way you are, you don't need to change, you don't need to be flattered", It's also nice to know a comfortable "fake" for a moment of peace.

If you can be relieved of a certain past experience because of this, it will be even more profitable.

Roald finally finished his special issue text, not a few interesting things about interviewing Fred, even the protagonist is not Fred, not 400 words, but 10,000 words.

These 10,000 words make a movie.

When I walked out of the theater, I didn't particularly feel healed, but a little understood.

Perhaps, being understood is also a cure?


have a play

Insisting on originality is worth looking forward to

Public number: Floating Life has a play ID: FSyouxi

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Extended Reading

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood quotes

  • Fred Rogers: Anything mentionable is manageable.

  • Fred Rogers: You know, death is something many of us are uncomfortable speaking about.