Concept & Marriage

Marcel 2022-09-04 10:13:48

"Orange Candy" as "Mcguffin" connects the appearance of 5 couples, and then the protagonist couple enters the main point of view. The storyline is also similar to "build a perfect mirror, then break it with a sharp object to expose the problem". Compared with "Jin Zhiying, born in 1982", the foreshadowing is too hard and the conflict is too straightforward. I prefer the former - "the problem is happening when you don't realize it's happening" approach. Compared with direct blasting, tearing and peeling layer by layer is more uncomfortable and introspective.


Of course, I do not rule out that due to education, customs and other reasons, most of the Indians have become members of the "rabble crowd" and cannot see the "elephant in the room". In Nietzsche's words, "All noble morality comes from a triumphant self-affirmation, and slave morality begins by denying [outside], [other], [not-self]." In short, Once the idea becomes the majority, the shackles of inertia are formed.


The female lawyer has an interesting dialogue - "All marriage is a transaction, a contract between partners, and love is not a legal element of marriage". It is true that marriage is hardly the highest formula of pure love. It is more suitable as a transaction to replace wealth, vanity, sense of security, sense of ritual and so on. The result of "insurance" without marriage will be that most pure loves will encounter the problem of shelf life, either looking for another lover or unilateral sinking, which is not conducive to the operation of the social machine, so it needs to be controlled by the "moral" chain .


I hope you can ignore gender when looking at issues. All issues of men's rights and women's rights are, in the final analysis, a question of balancing rights and obligations. If you learn to estimate correctly, perhaps the noise will not be disturbed.

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