A complete collection of absurd burdens

Trevor 2022-03-21 09:02:17


Writing and sticking "on phone" to face, refusing to chat "I'm leaving now" when on the phone, choosing windows instead of doors when going out... Socket is dripping - "The socket doesn't know what to soak in now." The preacher who suddenly broke into the house. "Are you sure? People don't generally say 'come in'."

Eating the little book of calm and becoming extremely calm, comforting everyone like a god, dogs, even cars...

Season 2 01

Sure enough, someone in Sagittarius showed up and everything changed. "Fran bought a piano, and I want some time with myself. You want to date a girl." "Don't mention this to me, Fran will give up, And you can only be busy all day long, and I will die alone on the floor of the bathroom in a pub." Listening to the radio, I suddenly found that I could play the piano... The image of the blind luthier shook... "What the hell did you tell her! She thought I was a renaissance recluse when I was just a recluse masturbator." From the perfect deception to the decision to tell the truth, up high.

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Black Books quotes

  • Bernard: [selling a book] Enjoy. It's dreadful, but it's quite short.

  • Bernard: Whores will have their trinkets.

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