The disease can be cured, but the prejudice of the heart cannot

Name 2022-03-22 09:02:47

Originally, I came to see the "secret recipe" of Dorayaki. I wanted to be healed by the soft red bean paste, but at the same time I felt the cuteness and tolerance of the grandmother.

In the film, the grandmother suffered from leprosy when she was young, but she did not (or could not) integrate into the society after she recovered. Although she has recovered, people's fear of the disease and the horror of the sequelae of their appearance have built up for them. Human fortress. The dorayaki shop that the grandmother helped to become sluggish due to rumors, the grandmother had no choice but to leave. Someone on the barrage said: "This is an infectious disease, pay attention to what is wrong", "If I don't buy it," etc. .

I can't help but complain when I see this...

The grandma doesn't have the slightest anti-social personality. She has recovered a long time ago and will not contaminate others. Attention to disease prevention and personal safety is a matter of course and advocated by society. But we should know that it is always the disease that people fight against, not the unfortunate people who are sick. For the way and scale of communication with them, please be more tolerant and understand more.

If you still feel that there is something wrong with paying more attention, I just want to say: Please take a good look at various diseases before making judgments. Everyone does not want to get sick, and everyone can’t help themselves. Maybe we ourselves will get sick unpredictably. Therefore, when dealing with patients or people who have recovered, please understand carefully and communicate with tolerance. Please don’t take ignorance for granted!

Tolerance and care for others is toleration of ourselves!

If everyone works hard to understand, tolerate and even comfort, maybe there will be fewer antisocial patients after getting sick!

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Extended Reading

Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.