What to do if you are pregnant

Roslyn 2022-03-21 09:02:24

Don't trust anyone about that woman on April 3rd and 2nd. At least she doesn't trust her boyfriend.
That girl, want to save anyone. including herself.
That girl, alas.

"What if I'm pregnant? What should we do? Have you thought about it?"
"Shut up."
"No, really, this kind of thing can happen." "Again, if I'm pregnant. What should I do?" "Don't roll your eyes, have you ever thought about it?"
"What the hell am I supposed to think about now?" "
What should we do if I'm pregnant."
"But you won't be pregnant."
" How do you know I'm not pregnant now?"
"You're pregnant?"
"You don't even know when my period is."
"I know, just these few days, right."
"Do you care? It's not your problem."
"Why do you say that?" "Didn't it happen when we were together?"
"For example, on Thursday, I told you to be careful outside, remember? But you can't be too careful. "
How can you discuss this kind of thing?"
"You're not shy to do this kind of thing, but you're too shy to discuss it?"
"If you're not pregnant, there's no point in discussing it."
"I know what you're expecting is What?"
"Don't worry, if it does happen, I'll take care of it."
"Yeah, okay."
"What do you mean?" "Did I ever help you when you needed something?"
"At least you know how many times I need your help?" "You don't know!"
"You didn't tell me, then it's not my fault." "I'll have to guess your question?"

When women are hurt, they are more willing to seek help from women than men.
Why is this?

The front is boring to death, but the back is tense.
Boredom has to do with subtitles for bad versions of discs.
Nervousness has to do with the camera.

Let the end end.

Boyfriends of girls shouldn't like this movie.

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Extended Reading

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.