Cult CP: British officer x French girl conductor x painter

Derrick 2022-09-28 13:29:34

Although the official match is not them, this scene of being forced to separate their identities is simply too good to eat?????????????

The British officer in deep crisis and the French girl who sheltered him, an exotic relationship in the war, hope to find this setting in the future of meal replacement literature?????????????????? ?

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The French natives also have a mysterious sense of CP! A conductor made in heaven x a painter without ambition?

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La Grande Vadrouille quotes

  • Augustin Bouvet: [with strong French accent] You, you come with me to pick up Peter.

    Stanislas LeFort: No, you you come with me to pick up MacIntosh!

    Augustin Bouvet: No no no no, you you you! and if you don't come I... oh merde alors comment on dit ça...

    Stanislas LeFort: Comment ça "merde alors"? but alors you are French!

  • Germaine: Vous dormirez bien Messieurs. Schlafen Sie gut! Je suis très à cheval sur la literie!

    Major Achbach: A cheval?

    Germaine: [trying to make herself better understood] Oui à cheval sur la liter... A cheval... Oui...