E02: Alps
1. In the snow, tie the rope in large knots every few tens of centimeters, tie the rope to the bag full of snow (increase the weight) and drag the bag forward, so that in case you fall into the ice crack, The force of the fall will keep the rope firmly embedded in the snow, which will stop you from falling.
2. Make sheltered sites in the snow: preferably on the most leeward slopes, out of the wind, and it is much easier to dig holes on slopes than on flat ground. When the sun goes down, there is a high risk of hypothermia, and continuing to walk and sweat is the worst option. The snow cave needs to be dug deeper, and then dig a platform for sleeping on one side of it, so that the cold air will sink to the bottom and the sleeping place will be warmer. To dig a snow hole, make it three times your body size. Too big will waste the heat it generates, while too small, as the snow packs get tighter, the cave will shrink and be buried alive by the snow. Finally, make the roof of the snow cave a little flatter, otherwise the snow on top will start to melt and fall on you due to the heat generated by your body.
3. 75% of body heat is lost through the ground. Use all available equipment (backpack or extra clothing) to reduce body heat to the ground.
4. Dehydration is easier on snowy mountains because the air is very dry. If possible, try to boil it before drinking, but if you don’t have equipment, you can only put the snow in a kettle and put it in your arms to melt by body temperature.
5. When you fall into the ice lake, the first thing to do is to try to regain the most basic control, overcome fear and panic, try to control your breathing and keep calm. It is easy to say, but difficult to do. In ice water, the three most important things are: The main threat: The first is the so-called gasp reflex, when you get out of the water, you just gasp for breath, sucking the water into your lungs, and drowns. The second danger is your cardiac arrest due to the shock of the ice water. The third main and most terrifying reason is the loss of consciousness to the cold, which slows you down, drains your strength, destroys your coordination, and you never have the strength to get back up again. The last thing you have to remember is to climb up from where you fell, because the only thing you can be sure of is ice strong enough is where you fell. After climbing up, twist like a seal, keep the center of gravity low, so that the ice will not be crushed. When climbing to a safe distance, stand up and take off the wet clothes quickly, otherwise the heat will be lost quickly. 25 times faster than when dry. Then go back to a safe place to dry yourself, and use the dry snow to absorb moisture from your skin when you don't have a towel. The next step is to promote blood circulation throughout the body and do systemic exercise.
6. Food is hard to find on snow, tree line needs to be found, there may be berries and animals in the woods.
7. Ants are not allowed to eat them when they are alive (contains a lot of formic acid), the soft pine roots can be eaten to provide calories (the texture is like celery), and the shoots on the trees can also be eaten but the calories are not high.
8. When crossing the canyon, when there are two ropes, you can use the exchange slow climbing method. The whole person lies on the rope and slowly pulls himself forward with his hands. 9. Looking for the smell, you can find the carcass of animals, and then you can find maggots , Maggots are high in protein and high in calories, remove the head to eat (the taste is disgusting), maggots can also be used as bait, find a frozen lake, there will be fish in the lake, and maggots can be used as bait. After digging a hole in the ice lake, use some sticks to tuck under the hole to stop the hole from being re-sealed
9. It is difficult to walk in the soft snow. You can use the branches to make a snowshoe similar to a skateboard: bend the branches into a tennis racket shape, then tie a lot of ropes to make a mesh, and tie two branches in the middle to make a horizontal bar, and fix it. Fasten the shoes before and after.
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