The law of talkativeness depends on the face

Abby 2022-10-06 14:26:37

"Broken Agent": The Dutch brother shoots two gay films a year for old and young gays vs. drones; Smith shoots two "Gemini Killers" a year

"Jedi Boys 3": Upstairs is wrong, three.

Isn't the market for the protagonist of the chatterbox not working?

In the past 5 years, the reputation of the talkative male protagonists such as Star-Lord, Ant-Man, and Bitchy has exploded... Let Martin Lawrence find self-confidence. Now the audience is awake - it turns out that talking tubers are not cute, it depends on the face, the universal law, there are no exceptions. No one spends money to go to the cinema to watch the old man talk absurdly, one doesn't, I'm sorry~

female character failure

The biggest problem with the Will shootout: The motive of the female lead falling in love is dubious, and the biggest female colleague in the project, as long as she goes through it from beginning to end - Bond Girl-like completion. There is no need for entanglement, no need for adversity, the script is less reasonable than "There is a Place in a Hurry That Year's Left Ear Causes Youth"

Smith has basic emotional CP with all non-humans/trans-species/males, and his emotional play with women is like child's play. "Your command is so good and awesome" , what kind of nonsense? It's not good or bad at all, and we're not blind.

The common problem of "biubiubiu bang bang bang bang bang bang" is Facebook-like

Every character is flat. Both Smith and the Superintendent are very flat (not even as good as Taxi Express 5), the preaching is blunt, the bag is not loud, the lunch box is not hot... the vase template of the last century, garbage and no love spark - more credible than Not on Wolf Warrior 2. The savage wife of the second male is very flat, and the little killer has no inner drama;

A friend asked for a movie ticket, and he went out and said, "That girl is a little pretty." Yes, if a task force leader is not only beautiful, but also can't be praised, the emotional motives of this script are really suspicious. .

The male protagonist said: This group of trash can't understand even a bullet for half a year (can't you scold?)

The entire task force was disbanded (Isn’t the abolition correct? You really got nothing)

So aren't you rubbish? In 2020, if the role of the police is to launch a bomb-loaded drone...

Taxpayers choked up. Why don't you shoot "Die Hard 9" and drive into a submarine?

I give 1 star because I can't give 0 stars. And the scene of the informant falling from the building was also cut, meaningless

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Extended Reading

Bad Boys for Life quotes

  • Marcus: You're dying your goatee, Mike.

    Mike: What?

    Marcus: You're dying your goatee.

    Mike: I'm not dying my goatee.

    Marcus: Yeah, that's Midnight Cocoa Bean. I recognise that shit.

  • Mike: [to Manny] Did you just get pig fat on my suit?