In the dream, they each became a deer. In the snowy forest, they came together from different directions, and then walked together, drinking from the creek, and looking for tender leaves from under the snow. Before the body finds each other, the soul already knows each other. The first time he saw her, he looked out the window inadvertently. On this side of the stone pillar, several colleagues were chatting, and she hid in the dark place on the back, subconsciously stroked her hair with her hands, and then hung her hands down. The sun hit her feet, and she backed away in fear. Everyone is alone. Consciously or unconsciously. Both of them have character flaws. He works as a financial director in a slaughterhouse. With a disability in his left hand, he has few friends and is unwilling to change the status quo of eating and living alone. She is a quality inspector, and she is reluctant to communicate with people. In the slaughterhouse, countless cows are slaughtered, and the cows are lonely, even numb, without emotion and pain. And people can't do it! The dream repeated itself: reeds were flying, two deer were in the forest, and there was a small pond in the middle; she remembered every word he said: I wish you a good appetite. Saw you ordered wild spinach too. Write dreams on paper, exchange them with each other, and see each other's smiling eyes in the same lake. It turns out that each other is not the rigid and cold in the eyes of others. The soul is burning, but the body is still ignorant.
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