
Vaughn 2022-03-21 09:02:12

The red and black color scheme is a bit like a blood rose lying on a black coffin. When Oscar died, Emily's screams of grief in the middle of the night were real, and my tears fell. I think that's what everyone experiences. I remember 12 years ago, when my grandfather left, I was crying too loudly, crying with my relatives, I was also told by my mother to go to school to find me, my aunt saw tears in my eyes and told me about your grandfather I'm lying in the hospital, you should go to the teacher to ask for leave, I know what she means, I went to knock on the door of the head teacher's house, and said that I wanted to ask for leave to go home. He asked me why, but I couldn't say it, in short, I knew that I was going back. Saying the last goodbye to my relatives, I held it for a long time, kept silent, and finally wept, but at the age of eleven, I really loved to shed tears. I felt that I dried up my tears at school on the first and second day of the new year, and then became lively. . In the end, I didn't speak, and the head teacher asked my aunt. He touched my hair, comforted me, and gave me a fake note, telling me to go back quickly. In the evening, I took the bus back to the town by myself. There was no mobile phone at that time, but I knew that the person must be in the hospital in the town. I got out of the car at the entrance of the hospital and rushed into the crowd. There were relatives of our family, parents, uncles, uncles, aunts, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters. In addition to our relatives, there were many neighbors. There are friends of fathers, uncles and uncles, in short, there are forty or fifty people outside the ward discussing the funeral. When I walked into the ward holding back my tears, what I had already seen was that my grandfather couldn't speak, he was breathing oxygen with a tube in his mouth and nose, and his eyes were numb. Auntie sat on the bed and wiped away tears. But I only returned home from vacation last month. Grandpa is fine. I remember that in March, I still held his hand and walked, but I didn't know that he was walking very slowly. I recalled that what he taught me was to be diligent, kind, able to endure hardship, not to waste, to get along well with classmates, not to be lazy, to love parents and sisters. It seems that he has been instilling these things in me since I was a child. He also secretly gave me pocket money from time to time, a few cents. But he can't speak at the moment, we lost the opportunity to communicate, the language lost its function, we gestured to him whether to drink water, whether he was thirsty or not, his eyes didn't even have the ability to blink. What the adults are discussing is, let him wait until his aunt from far away in Guangdong returns. He gradually lost consciousness, but he knew he could hold on until his eldest daughter came back to say goodbye to him. That night, everyone carried Grandpa back home with an oxygen tube. Because the traditional Chinese concept is that fallen leaves return to their roots, it took less than ten minutes to walk from the hospital to my home, but I felt that this journey took a long time. When I get home, I don't want to think about my studies anymore, stay by his side For several days, at the end of April, the weather started to get hot. I fanned my grandpa to drive away the mosquitoes. My aunt came home in two days, and then I stayed with me for two or three days. When did you urinate from the catheter, until after 2:00 pm on May 2nd, after that, the funeral was over and I went back to school for a few days of classes. Then the 512 Wenchuan Earthquake happened. We watched what happened in the news. Everything, that month's TV was full of pictures of the earthquake in Sichuan, and the first seven, the offerings that grandma gave, and what to eat at home, I had to put some for grandpa to eat. Before the fortune teller, let us pay attention to this time, so I observed it attentively. It seems that his eyelids did move slightly, and then his eyes opened, but within five or six seconds, the pupils changed instantly, and the skin was also lost. Bloody, I just watched him go away peacefully. My aunt cried, and I cried too. Although I knew crying was just an emotion to express sadness, I couldn't help it. There is a line that says "we will be together forever", I believe it, and the visions that appear in the movie, I did dream a few times in my dreams, dreaming that my grandfather was in that world, but then, drinking alone with his wine. The fortune teller also said that his father-in-law, his grandmother's parents, had waited for him for a long time and finally arrived. So they are all waiting for me in decades. There are scary scenes in this movie. For example, the mummy is breathing. I dare not watch it. Anyway, I have to sleep with the lamp on, otherwise I will have a dream of a ghost again. On the whole, except for the scary part and the bad guy, I feel that the bad guy's setting is too bad, so bad, I like it very much. As always, it is full of philosophical and religious flavors. I believe it, and the visions that appeared in the movie, I did dream a few times in my dreams, dreaming that my grandfather was in that world, but then, he was drinking his wine alone. The fortune teller also said that his father-in-law, his grandmother's parents, had waited for him for a long time and finally arrived. So they are all waiting for me in decades. There are scary scenes in this movie. For example, the mummy is breathing. I dare not watch it. Anyway, I have to sleep with the lamp on, otherwise I will have a dream of a ghost again. On the whole, except for the scary part and the bad guy, I feel that the bad guy's setting is too bad, so bad, I like it very much. As always, it is full of philosophical and religious flavors. I believe it, and the visions that appeared in the movie, I did dream a few times in my dreams, dreaming that my grandfather was in that world, but then, he was drinking his wine alone. The fortune teller also said that his father-in-law, his grandmother's parents, had waited for him for a long time and finally arrived. So they are all waiting for me in decades. There are scary scenes in this movie. For example, the mummy is breathing. I dare not watch it. Anyway, I have to sleep with the lamp on, otherwise I will have a dream of a ghost again. On the whole, except for the scary part and the bad guy, I feel that the bad guy's setting is too bad, so bad, I like it very much. As always, it is full of philosophical and religious flavors.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.