mitzvah of flowers

Andy 2022-03-22 09:02:01

Sometimes I can see through the lens of society, people and things at that time, and look at their way of life, rhythm, and quality. Looking back today, I really feel that I still cannot reach the height of a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, it was the process of the gradual transformation of the European countryside into an industrialized city. The products of the transition of the old and the new can be seen everywhere in the camera, such as straight and smooth roads and temporary public toilets; old churches and new steel bridges.

The prosperous and prosperous urban life did not bring Charlie happiness, and among the friends who came to visit him, there were people who had never met.

The family in the small town seems to be unhappy, maybe this is the siege.

Childhood Charlie is like a flower in a greenhouse. Looking at the world through glass, she inevitably has a beautiful fantasy. Even in the face of a perverted uncle, she still leaves a good impression; when she enters the adult world, Charlie is real. He realizes that reality is not his own fantasy, and the good memories of childhood are broken and reshaped one by one, and when they meet the adult world, they are taken away from happiness.

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Shadow of a Doubt quotes

  • Jack Graham: You're going to keep your mouth shut. You're going to keep your mouth shut because you're such a nice girl. Because you're such a nice girl that you know you'd help me.

  • Emma Newton: Wine for dinner - sounds so gay!