Turned upside down, like looking at the world in a mirror

Marques 2022-12-02 14:25:07

My favorite dystopian theme. See episode four. The initial impression is that everyone has to be selfless and that having a boyfriend is a selfish act that takes up public resources. Later, I was curious about the role of soma. Is it to get you in the mood for an appointment? At the moment I think its role is to pull you back on track, a medicine to make you act like your level. The technology and cities of these new human beings look very advanced, but they behave like primitive people, especially in terms of sex, without restraining their desires. But they call us humans savages. This contrast is very interesting. Especially when visiting Barbarian Paradise. For the first time, the two new human beings restrained their desires, pulled away from each other, sat on the ground panting and said, "Now we are savages." When I suddenly realized that restraining one's own desires is also a kind of savagery behavior? New humans don't like emotional stuff together, including restraint. Then there is no fear, no worries, or even no sense of death in this society. It denies everything that is now, a shared utopia. And personal emotions are completely shared society does not allow?

The new humans and the barbarians have the same body structure (from the birth of the second male.) The new humans see them as history, exhibits, and the barbarians see them as aliens, bosses, and monsters. Although the conflict here is bloody, the integration of the second male has brought this matter to an end temporarily.

The last concern is soma, too much like taking drugs, right? I don't feel uncomfortable when I drink it, but I feel a new life after drinking it. Looking forward to the heroine leapfrog to become arpha.

There is no written explanation, I rely on my own exploration, there are many things I don't understand.

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