The twist center that should be wiped away

Rosetta 2022-09-22 00:16:31

The story takes place in a small conservative American city. Jared, 19, has always suspected that he is gay, but he has never had any homosexual experience. One day he was sexually harassed by gay classmates in college. The classmate was worried that Jared would sue, so he sued the wicked first, calling Jared's parents and saying that Jared was gay. And just like that, poor Jared was out of the closet.

Jared's father, a pastor, was completely unacceptable that his son was gay, so Jared was forced to participate in a church-supported gay conversion program.

This is a 12 step twist therapy.

The first thing to do when entering a gay conversion treatment center is to hand over all personal items, including cell phones, diaries, etc., and no external contact is allowed. Staff at the center can check any private information, including calling anyone on your phone's address book at any time to investigate information about you.

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations and codes of conduct.

Yes, you read that right, the deity of Poke Lord participated in the movie

Step 3: Brainwash with God

Step 4: Behavioral and physical training.

Boosting testosterone with physical training? ? ?

Step 5: Theoretical indoctrination.

Equating LGBT with negative concepts of crime, illness, etc.

Step 6: Forcing Public Repentance

Poor young lady forced to describe her 'crime' in public

Step 7: Corporal Punishment.

The remaining steps are not introduced in the movie. But Lord Poke warned Jared very seriously that he must disguise himself, or he would be sent to the remaining treatment steps. From Poke Ye's small eyes, we can probably imagine the cruelty of the rest of the steps.

So what are the remaining steps? Cass was very curious, so he went to the Internet to find other methods that had appeared.

1. Hormone correction therapy

The most famous is Turing, the father of computer science. He helped the British decipher the Nazi code and helped the Allies win World War II. But being gay, he was forced to take estrogen injections. Not only does he become physically impotent, but his breasts start to develop just like women do. Turing fell into severe depression under tremendous mental pressure, and finally he chose to say goodbye to the world at the age of 41.

2. Electroshock therapy Doctors bind the therapist and force him to watch same-sex pornography. If he has a physiological response, give him an electric shock. This allows him to form a conditioned reflex, and when he sees things related to homosexuality, he will think of the pain of being electrocuted, and thus develop a disgust for homosexuality.

3. Apomorphine therapy

Apomorphine is a drug that can cause nausea and severe vomiting. Likewise, doctors would show gay porn to the therapist, give the therapist a shot when the therapist responds physiologically, and get sick until the therapist sees homosexuality.

There are only 3 cruel treatments that Cass can tolerate. There are other more cruel methods, Cass can't stand it anymore, and really doesn't want to know, so I won't introduce it here.

Seeing these treatments can really make people hate it! Good people, those ignorant human beings are tortured to death rather than life!

The World Health Organization has de-pathologized homosexuality as early as 1990, but traditional ideas are so deeply ingrained in people's minds that such gay conversion therapy organizations have never disappeared. Even in 1999, "Hope for Wholeness", which specializes in conversion therapy for homosexuals, was founded in the United States, and it once became one of the largest conversion therapy organizations.

Ridiculously, the group's founder and leader, McKrae Game, came out in 2019. He publicly stated that he has always been a homosexual, expressed his remorse and apology for his involvement in "homosexual treatment" activities for many years, and publicly condemned "homosexual treatment" as a deceptive and harmful activity.

From this you can see how absurd the torsion therapy is!

On July 8, 2020, at the 44th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (the UN Independent Expert on SOGI) published a report documenting examples of conversion therapy from around the world, And called for a global ban on the practice.

The representative of China told the report: “China opposes all forms of discrimination and violence, including discrimination, violence and intolerance based on sexual orientation and gender identity. As early as 2001, the Chinese Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from the classification of mental disorders. "

The Chinese representative's statement was LGBT-friendly, but unfortunately did not commit to taking steps to ban the use of conversion therapy, nor did it describe the progress China had made on the issue.

As far as we have seen several cases of conversion therapy in China, the parties who were subjected to conversion therapy filed an appeal, and the court also made a judgment in support of the legitimate rights and interests of LGBT, and they all reiterated that "homosexuality is not a disease." But in fact, in smaller or more remote areas of China, such torsion therapy still exists.

And LGBT people in these places do not have enough strength and courage to speak up for themselves, let alone go to court to assert and defend their legitimate rights and interests. Therefore, I call on the government to thoroughly implement the attitude of "homosexuality is not a disease", to prohibit conversion therapy as soon as possible, and to safeguard the legal and legitimate rights of every LGBT person.

Because, obviously, it's not the boys and girls that should be wiped out, it's the damned gay conversion centers that really should be wiped out of this world! ! !

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Boy Erased quotes

  • Jared Eamons: I wish this never happened but sometimes I thank God that it did.

  • Marshall Eamons: Study the Bible. Study his word. I guarantee you, every question you have... You gonna find an answer in this book.