Floy 2022-03-21 09:02:58

, In the original book, which is the kind of mountainous terrain with large gaps, lush vegetation, and frequent rainfall and snowfall as shown in the movie, from 2006-2009, the US military had only one infantry brigade-level unit in Nuristan Province, three infantry battalions and related Affiliated units, support firepower In addition to aviation, army aviation, field artillery rarely appeared, and rarely saw the opportunity to use barrel artillery (105 howitzers were deployed during the garrison of 173 Brigade), almost all of them were mortars, 60, 81, 120 mortars, the most common aviation firepower is the Apache, in addition, according to the number of appearances, that is, A10, F15 and B1B 2, the US military regular force company level has been highly integrated, and it is assigned to the fire support coordination staff and military intelligence staff. Officers, who can be in charge of artillery and aviation fires, process signals intelligence interception, screening, analysis, and real-time feedback to CO in real-time. For a squad-level squad, the commander may be a sergeant, but it is capable of commanding and guiding aviation firepower such as Apache and A10, mortars at the rear base, and applying and coordinating logistical support such as aviation supplies and first aid. The formation of high-level squads can have professional soldiers and can share some of the fire support and coordination tasks that senior non-commissioned officers and even officers in the past Vietnam War era were capable and qualified to undertake. The soldiers in the US infantry detachment basically have the ability to operate all the weapons in the system, and they can operate alternately. M4, M203, M240, M249, M203 this

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The Outpost quotes

  • First Lt Benjamin Keating: So how do we do our jobs and stay safe? We need to keep a good relationship with the locals. Respect keeps us safe.