The Last Dance

Sigrid 2022-11-16 04:07:43

"The Last Dance" is a documentary about Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Taking the Bulls' road to winning the championship from 1997 to 1998 as the main line, the situation before the Bulls and Jordan's growth process are constantly interspersed in the middle.

From the pre-season "Last Dance" plan in 1997 to the final Bulls' championship, Jordan's growth experience from childhood to the end of the legendary Bulls dynasty has been fully narrated. The entire documentary is divided into 10 episodes, each of which is very detailed.

Not only Jordan and Bulls players and coaches, but also other NBA players such as Kobe and Isiah Thomas, as well as former US President Barack Obama and other celebrities participated in the documentary.

This documentary, whether for basketball fans or people who don't know Jordan at all, can better understand Jordan's playing career.

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