From you to you, and you only

Douglas 2022-03-21 09:03:23

Counterpart is still one of the best quality dramas I have seen in recent years. In addition to the following four points, there is also the scene design of the two worlds. The office, including crossing, is still in Berlin during the Cold War, which is very good. Rendered the atmosphere. The interior is also very complete and stylish. Of course, this is something that European and American dramas have never had to worry about.

1. Worldview

What fascinates me the most about this show is its setting. In fact, unlike the concept of parallel universes, the two corresponding worlds in the play originally evolved from the same timeline. So the two worlds have the same source, evolved by a detail difference, and the two worlds start to go further and further apart at a fork due to the butterfly effect. Some people think that the place where the difference starts is unreasonable (in the second season, Yanek did an experiment with whether to give Mira a gift), saying that if this is an idea that one party will have, the other party will also have it, and the control group will not be established; but in fact, since the two When the Yaneks meet and talk, the moment they decide whether Yanek A or Yanek B will speak first, the two Yaneks have begun to affect the two worlds differently, and their thoughts will also begin to diverge, so Yanek It is reasonable for A to have the idea and B not to.

2. The correspondence of ab characters in the two worlds

You share more than you think

The relationship between the same person in different worlds that was most discussed in the first season was Howard and Clare. The former may be different because of the so-called inner cause of the butterfly effect, while the latter is changed because of the flu affecting the B world, which can be called for external causes. Clare's character is very straightforward and brilliant - you can imagine that Clare B, who lost her parents because of the flu, hated Clare A's life and replaced it; but it is true that such a character is needed in the plot to clarify the story. Towards, and the audience can empathize with. The audience can easily understand her motives, and the plot also leads to Indigo's plan; at the same time, through her being infected with a complete family, she gradually becomes a person in the middle of two worlds. The only pity is that Clare's transformation is too little and a little abrupt. In the last episode, he can accept orders including killing Baldwin, and in the next episode, he wants to save her husband's life.

3. Two leading actors

JK and Olivia are amazing. The heroine involved in the second season aside, JK's facial expressions and walking postures were different when he performed the two Howards. In the eighth episode, the two Howards met at the Interface. This was the first time they met after going to each other's world, and specially arranged to change into different clothes. The facial expressions of the two also changed, and when I sat down, I didn't distinguish them for a while. It was as if the situation was beginning to turn right. This is a sensible similar foreshadowing, suggesting that the relative relationship between the two may change in the future.

4. Possibilities

Yanek's belief that "one must destroy the other" and the season finale Clare asking "what if it's all about accepting who you are in both worlds?" is worth pondering. I agree with the latter. What a blessing to be able to meet one of my own counterparts, because there are a lot of things that only I know and cannot talk to anyone who is not me.

I have told my friends that what attracts me most about film and television is its possibility, which can mobilize our sight and hearing to create a completely different but convincing story setting that no other medium can do. In my opinion, the relative universe really shows a possibility, and the development of the story line is also very interesting, but it is a pity that there is no room for full play. But its world is so exciting that I hope to see a follow-up to it one day.

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