I still don't understand why turtles can fly

Clarissa 2022-09-08 01:26:49

Looking back on my childhood, I didn't have too many toys or electronic products, maybe a little boring, but the memories are still sweet because I was carefree. I always feel that no matter who it is, childhood must be the happiest time. However, it turns out that not everyone has a childhood.

Except for their childish faces, the children in the film seem to have nothing to do with their childhood in my impression, doing things that I can't imagine at all. They have few things, and weapons are everywhere. The weapon that scares me, the tool that really makes money for them.

If there is anything normal in this world, I am afraid there is only the male protagonist's desire for love, but in this abnormal world, it seems so out of place. As a child king, maybe he once thought he was omnipotent, or pretended to be omnipotent. Even the child king wants someone who can take care of him, he is just a child, he will cry when it hurts.

Many times I really feel that the heroine is too cruel, but if I were her, could I make a better decision than her? At first, I thought that the heroine's expressionless face was confused, but later I found out that she was desperate. I thought the male protagonist could change her and bring light to him, but life is not a romance. We often have no way of understanding a person's past, nor can we resolve or even understand their pain. The heroine is not wrong, and the child is not wrong, but is right or wrong still important in such a world?

I am happy for everything will end tomorrow. But just like those fake goldfish painted in color, how long can the camouflaged peace last? Once the male protagonist also believed that the war will end. Seeing the corpse of the little boy and the slippers of the girl, can he still remain optimistic.

I really can't believe and can't accept that these things actually happened somewhere, even in the ongoing tense. Although my life is not satisfactory, at least it is stable.

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  • Agrin: teach them math and science!

    Satellite: they know math and science. they have to learn how to shoot now!