Do you believe me? - it doesn't matter anymore

Karl 2022-03-21 09:02:12

A movie from Friend Case - Fried Green Tomatoes

At the time I asked what was the name? Strange, aren't tomatoes red? I searched a lot on the Internet but there is not much direct explanation, just tell me that this is a lesbian film.

Yes, just so curious, after watching the Dragon Boat Festival, I think it's not bad.

Another thing that made me curious is the way the film is presented: an old man's flashback storytelling form, and I began to wonder if it was one of them? But the tone of the back and the expression of opinions gave me away, and the ending indicated that he was Ruth! I was a little bit shocked, maybe this is the director's clever arrangement.

Let me introduce the background first:

  • 64th Academy Awards 1992 Best Adapted Screenplay (Nominated) Fannie Flagg
  • 1992 64th Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actress (Nominated) Jessica Tandy
  • 64th Academy Awards 1992 Best Adapted Screenplay (Nominated) Carol Sobieski

In fact, the origin of gay movies is not very long, especially in mainstream American movies. Europe, which has a relatively open sexual concept, has been involved in this field since the 1970s. In the United States, there were not many gay films in the 1980s, such as "Anther Country" and other films. Later, more and more mainstream films represented the general view and social acceptance of gay love in American society.

With the recent development, human rights and women's liberation are getting higher and higher, so the voice is getting louder and louder.

The following is "Hayley Kiyoko" of "Lesbian Jesus", with more than 100 million views on YouTube, how popular is Hayley Kiyoko? Let's put it this way, even if she doesn't take royalties, she can get rich by opening an online store selling second-hand original underwear.

Like the link below, I love the heroine's face and the song.

Girls Like Girls

Thanks, my friend Kiyoko gave them to me


Closer to home, in fact, the theme of this movie has not been very obvious: racism is one aspect, and the other is the emotional line of the two heroines, the ambiguous and obscure line of love, and the mutual cherishing of family members.

Let’s talk about the foreshadowing at the beginning. The old lady introduced herself to Cleo Slygood. The whole process felt that she was a very elegant old lady, and she could be related to the young Ruth, but we all knew after watching it. , Ruth passed away very early, and the ending said that she was the Idgie who was still alive, which made the whole process really difficult to match. After all, Idgie was reluctant to wear a skirt when she was a child. In the main line, she has always been sassy, ​​a classical Vest.

The other is Kathy, her changes in the whole line are also a bit incomprehensible. From catering to her husband, going to relevant courses, participating in activities, and then being herself, her husband respects him more.... This The lines are incomprehensible, and I don't know if it is not perfect to be memorable.

Coming to the main line, Idgie was very dependent on her brother buddy when she was a child, and buddy was also very fond of her. Due to a wedding at home, buddy expressed his love for Ruth, and died unexpectedly because his foot got stuck on the train track picking up a hat, which hit Idgie very hard.

Later, when I was older, Idgie was not interested in any men, and her cynical appearance made her mother worry, so she called Ruth to help. The turning point of the story is here. Idgie took Ruth to steal cans and distribute them to the poor, and Ruth started I understand that Idgie is not what everyone thinks it is.

The latter paragraph can be said to be the most tender, classic, and even the most affectionate point in this play. Looking for Ruth to pick honey in the morning, Ruth backed away subconsciously, and his expression changed slightly. Although he was surprised by Idgie's rude method, he was still moved. After all, she said: My bee charmer! This is the finishing touch.

Come to a wave of picturesque scenes in every frame: see enough

The emotional line has begun, but I don't know it will be so fast, haha, maybe it's not sloppy, it's to highlight the plot behind, after all, the subtle performance of the protagonist is very good.

Knowing that Ruth is going to get married in the summer, to take care of his mother, etc., I began to see Idgie's reluctance. Abusing his wife for a while, chasing his wife's crematorium. I have to say, this summary is very incisive.

Ruth got married and Idgie didn't go to her anymore. They all seem to have their own lives.

The balance point has to be broken. When my mother asked Idgie to send something to Ruth, she knew that she was not doing well, and she also foreshadowed to bring Ruth back later.

Later, when running a restaurant, there were two main lines:

1. It was a happy time for the two heroines, which foreshadowed the death of Ruth's husband later;

2. It's the racist color of black people as a satire. White people don't want to sit at the same table with black people. Black people can go to the backstage for dinner. Speaking of this, the movie that I have to admire is - Green Car, it's so good, so wonderful .

That's it - Fried Green Tomatoes

Here, when Idgie said that Ruth's husband would not harass her again, Ruth replied that I don't know who to believe. Idgie was really sad at this time.

The paper couldn't contain the fire, along with the stubborn police officer.

I originally wanted to join the BBQ section. After all, this point is very interesting. Some people said that Ruth's husband was roasted for the police officer to eat. Anyway, the movie did not tell the real result, which is really meaningful.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that the godfather who has been eliminated by Idgie lied here, reflecting that in the face of many things, human nature will stand on the side of morality.

Show your love again

This should be a very positive expression.

In the public, to be able to say this to Idgie directly, I think Idgie should understand the meaning of Ruth.

The whole plot has always been a very obscure expression, and many places are understated, but their extensions and subtle movements have a charm to make people think, and the director's intentions are really full.

Later, it was the period when Ruth died of illness.

Idgie tells Ruth that story back the way Buddy told himself as a child.

And Idgie is still Ruth's Bee charmer!

During the whole process, Idgie taught Ruth a lot, tolerance, respect for black people, and a heart of love, so Ruth also got a response, everyone protected her, and thoughtful.

Overall, this movie is great, the director is very attentive, but there are some points that I can't understand, but after watching it, it's really touching, the feelings of cherishing each other, the feelings of family members, and the feelings of a group of people.

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Extended Reading

Fried Green Tomatoes quotes

  • Ninny Threadgoode: That frying pan did more than fry chicken that night.

  • Ninny Threadgoode: It's good to see you're so happy, and you've slimmed down quite a bit these last few weeks.

    Evelyn Couch: I'm just so happy, Big George and Idgie got off. I would've killed Frank Bennett if I coulda. Did anybody really think Idgie murdered him?

    Ninny Threadgoode: Some said yes, some said no. The only person who really knew the answer to that was Frank Bennett, and you know what they say, dead men tell no tales.