"Young Sheldon": How do those children with promising future grow up?

Elda 2022-11-27 10:57:05

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"Young Sheldon" ("Young Sheldon") derived from the American TV series "The Big Bang Theory" ("The Big Bang Theory") recorded the genius Sheldon's teenage home life with a single-camera advance, telling the story of Sheldon, who has a high IQ and a low EQ, gets along with his family every day.

According to the positioning of "The Big Bang Theory", 15-year-old Sheldon entered the California Institute of Technology and received a Ph.D., with BS (Bachelor of Science), MS (Master of Science), MA (Master of Arts) and SCD (Doctor of Science) ) and eventually became a physical scientist.

The play begins with the nine-year-old Sheldon entering high school. Sheldon's confusion growing up, his twin sister's mischievousness, his adolescent brother's rebelliousness and unruly, his ordinary but warm parents, and his grandmother, who is over sixty years old but is on the road to pursuit of happiness, make this ordinary family flesh and blood. Authenticity of life.

The filming method of the sitcom makes the whole drama lighthearted and witty. After the hilarious laughter, it is thought-provoking: how does an ordinary family accept and promote the growth of a child with high talent and constant problems in the future? Physics genius? What role does parent-child relationship and native family education play in the growth of each of us? What kind of native family can educate those teenagers with promising future?

Words and deeds teach, inspire growth

In the play, Sheldon, who has just entered high school, cannot fully understand the growth and learning of adolescent high school students at the age of nine. He strictly follows the "rules", and on the first day of school, he annoys his classmates. .

After offending his classmates, Sheldon's rigorous and rigid rule theory allowed him to pick out the teacher's "problem".

Disgruntled teachers crowded in the principal's office, unanimously urging parents to come to the school to pick up this problem child, even though he has an IQ of 187.

Facing the accusations of the principal and the teacher, the father, who was a physical education teacher at the same school, explained and apologized for Sheldon, while promising not to be an example.

"But they violated the rules of grooming." The paranoid teenager didn't know that not all the rules in this world could be followed.

Despite the son's trouble, the father showed no anger or blame or even condescending demands.

"I'll tell you a story." Father George recounted how he was fired when he was young for pointing out other people's problems.

At the end of the story, the teenager is still immersed in the frustration that the rules representing justice are not widely followed. Perhaps, in the world of teenagers, justice must not be defeated, but they don't know that there are many forms of justice.

"Are you sad that you were fired?" Little Sheldon asked his father dumbly, with sympathy in his words.

"No, I'm mainly angry, maybe a little sad." Instead of acting like an elder, the father just calmly shared his past with the child, trying to use a story to resolve a misunderstanding of the world.

A similar scene occurred at a family dinner.

In order to repay the money for repairing the refrigerator, Sheldon began to work and sell newspapers.

Hearing his son's complaints, his father was not in a hurry to comfort him, nor did he talk about the truth of life, but just talked about his day - reprimanded by the principal, scolded by parents, persuaded to get hurt... The mourning behind the negative energy led to "So I understand what you're going through, but have you noticed, I won't go back home to piss you off."

My father's education has left a deep imprint on his mind, "so to this day, no matter how bad things I have experienced, I will not take my breath away from any of my friends or lovers." is more profound inspiration.

What you ask others to do, you must do that first. The effect of teaching by example is faster and more efficient than word of mouth. Only by being strict with yourself can you establish your prestige in front of children.

Respect individuality and defend growth

The other side of genius is often accompanied by loneliness and independent personality. It is impossible to know whether the young Sheldon has enjoyed the glory brought by genius, but the criticism brought by maverick is always there, and many of them are puzzled by brothers and sisters. Fortunately, this kind of puzzlement is more of a kind of family affection.

Based on his rigorous scientific attitude, he became the only person in the family who did not pray before meals. Even at the end of the prayer, everyone held hands and shouted "Amen". Because he refused physical contact, the little boy stubbornly wore gloves Hold hands with everyone.

On the first day of school, he was paranoid about wearing a bow tie. Although his mother, Mary, repeatedly told him that in fact, no one would wear a bow tie, even if he saw other students without a bow tie when he entered the campus, the little boy was still stubborn. wearing a bow tie.

There are countless such unique personalities in the play. So that the father who has always been gentle is inevitably quite critical.

"Let him go." Mother Mary's words were more tolerant and accommodating.

"Would you be angry if I didn't believe in your religion?" The little boy brooded about the conflict between his scientific beliefs and his parents' religious beliefs.

"Of course not." The short and direct answer is inclusive and more respectful.

Life is an independent individual since it leaves the mother's womb, and it should have independent thinking and self-choice. Respecting the individual, rather than forcibly interfering based on the difference in parent-child status, will often bring individuals a better life experience, and will also allow individuals to fully experience the joy brought by growth.

When faced with a request from the principal to bring the little boy home to transfer schools, the parents refused to do so as absolute defenders.

"He deserves the education he deserves."

When faced with the incomprehensible accusations of the church members on the little boy, "Is there something wrong with him?", the mother replied with an anger, "You have something wrong."

Having seen his mother's firm defense, the little boy sighed in his heart, "My mother is like my Christian guardian." The sense of security and happiness is beyond words.

In life, more parents are accustomed to educating their children with the attitude of a past person, telling them what is right, what is wrong, what can be done, what cannot be done, what to strive for, and what not to give up. They use their own outlook on life and values ​​to instill what they believe to be the absolute truth, but they often ignore that the children as the audience are already an independent individual.

They don't need long-winded life principles or strong operational instructions. What they need is just respect for individuals and independent lives. Even if they are out of tune, they still deserve their own growth and life.

However, as a parent, a more rational approach is to resolutely defend this personality and let children be proud of their own personality, rather than feel inferior because they cannot stand out from others.

Of course, all respect and defense should also be based on the most basic public order and good customs. Except for principles, everything should be free and worth defending.

"I don't agree with your point of view, but I will defend your right to speak to the death." Life is different, and life is different because it is different.

There is no unified principle in this world to define the path of life. As a parent, you should respect the individual and give life respect and protection by defending.

Equal treatment, accompany growth

What is the ultimate in companionship? It is within the framework of principles and the limit of ability, willing to accompany you to do whatever you want.

In the physics class, the school invited NASA experts to share the knowledge of space exploration for high school students. When he heard experts say that the rocket booster fell into the sea after completing its boosting mission, Little Shelton proposed that the rocket booster could be recovered, which could save a lot of money. In this regard, the experts did not comment, and hastily found an excuse to prevaricate the past.

The little boy was angry and determined to find a solution to fight back against the arrogant attitude of the experts. Therefore, Sheldon read the relevant information, made countless calculations, and worked hard, and finally calculated the possibility of rocket recovery. He sent the analysis materials to NASA and waited eagerly for a reply.

Sheldon's expectations began to degenerate into disappointment, and then he was about to despair. Father George decided to drive five hours to NASA's son to get a chance to meet the experts directly!

Companion means that no matter what you want to do, I will be there when you need it. In real life, such parents are rare, and more parents will choose to leave their children alone on the road of chasing their dreams when the conditions cannot be fulfilled, or they will directly tell them that those unrealistic dreams will wake up as soon as possible. Even better, although this kind of rhetoric is not malicious, it often brings psychological harm.

Because of Sheldon's fascination with rockets, his father decided to drive little Sheldon to see the space shuttle launch from far away.

This looks like another incredible joke.

In traditional Chinese theory, most parents would even ask, is the child unrealistic and the parents crazy?

In their impression, parents should shoulder the responsibility of cutting off unrealistic dreams. They won't know that their so-called well-intentioned efforts can only backfire.

The sky is not good, and the heavy rain forced the rocket launch to be canceled. Little Sheldon stood by the window with sadness written all over his cheeks.

In order to slow down his son's loss, the father deliberately pretended to be silly and asked little Sheldon how the lightning was formed to divert his son's attention. This move was very effective, and Little Sheldon immediately regained the confidence brought by knowledge from the loss.

On the drive home, Little Sheldon had a tearful narration: "This was the happiest trip I've ever had, and when I grew up, I realized that my dad was just pretending to be stupid so that I wouldn't be sad."

What is true companionship? It is to put the other party on an equal position, to listen to the other party's voice, to feel the other party's emotions, to exchange with empathy, and to warm with compassion. Companionship doesn’t require the kind of instruction from someone. Yes, I need the sense of security that you are always there when I need it, a family member and a friend.

Sheldon is lucky to have friends who accept him, parents who respect him, warriors who defend him, and care to accompany him, even though he has the paranoia, stubbornness, and inhumanity of a problem child.

Thanks to the education of the family, the paranoid problem boy is growing up and changing. He will go to church to accompany his mother, he will overcome the fear of physical contact for his father, take off his gloves and shake hands, and he will be enthusiastic for his brother. Enjoying brotherhood, will go to great lengths to go home to guard for the twin sister, these growth changes eventually led to the emergence of a physical genius.

Not every child will grow up to be a powerful person, but every child has its own talents and unique characteristics. As the first teacher, parents should pay more attention to the child itself, and give life respect and empowerment in an equal manner. Empathy and understanding, care for growth with love and care, so the future of young people can be expected!

Text: Fan-faced scholar (same official account, welcome to follow)

Image: Network (invasion and deletion)

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