
Erika 2022-09-11 07:48:01

Jim, a literature professor, is born in a well-to-do family. His Grandfather had been a successful businessman with high reputation. In fact, he has a bright future, ironically he indulges in gambling. As he said, he pretend to teach, meanwhile, he has another real life, which is betting his all till nothing left. Nevertheless, he never compromises to anyone, including his beloved mother and the loan sharks. He refuses to express his gratitude for his mother help, in contrast, he loses all at the underground casino again together with Ary, who is his student and falls in love him. When he faces various threats, he never change his attitude, which is loaning and gambling. Even if he is forced to a closed end, he still keeps calm and noncooperation, sometimes it's even a simple words, such as admitting "I'm not a man".

Eventually, he fails to his stubbornness, because he is defeated by the softest stuff of heart, which is love. Actually, he lives alone, without family and friends. His mother is completely disappoint him, and leaves from him in tears. However, Ary, a quiet girl, cheers him up, and unlocks his heart. He wants to prove that he is not a gambler, and the only way out is all in. When the loan shark threats kill Ary, he has no option except giving up his principles. He bribes his student, who is a basketball genius, and saving Ary through match fixing, in the meantime, he makes a big amount on the game. It comes to an end with the last battle, for which he puts all of his on the black of roulette, on which he has failed many times. It is a live-for-death game, winning or dying, no other option. He wins and lets all behind,then he rushes from midnight to dawn, towards Ary's apartment direction. When there comes knock door, he rebirths with a fresh rising sun.

It is difficult to understand the mindset of a gambler. Why not chose to stop when they have gain much? Once being a gambler, he cannot control his addition to gain more, like an alcoholic or a drug addiction. As a Chinese saying, “ At steady gambling even the gods and immortals lose”, nobody can take money from casino besides the bankers.

A man has barely friends if he is addicted in gambling, alcohol and drug as well, except those who want to squeeze him the last blood. When he faces challenges, he merely fights alone.

In reality, we maybe meet the similar people like Jim, and they boast the experience of gambling, or dream of getting rich overnight. Those are recommend to watch this movie. There is no pie in the sky, and happiness is achieved through hard- working.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]