A true documentary

Godfrey 2022-12-11 14:03:42

"The Thin Blue Line" tells the story of a police murder case, and uses the form of a documentary to reveal various doubts in the case to prove Adams' grievances.

"The Thin Blue Line" uses a lot of realistic representation techniques, and uses scenes that simulate the scene many times to enhance the audience's feelings about the case by shooting the scene of the simulated crime and various scenes that the protagonist complained about. . The reality of this case is visually displayed to achieve the effect of real reproduction.

This work is also in-depth through interviews with the protagonist, police, prosecutors, judges and witnesses, but only the oral descriptions of several characters cannot fully reproduce the whole story, so the scene is simulated to better achieve real reproduction. The effect makes the documentary richer and fuller.

The film also interspersed scenes showing fragments of memory to emphasize the interview of the film, and filmed various details of the scene at that time, such as license plates, headlights, typewriter keyboards, etc., through various clues to restore the truth.

The end of the film also explained to the audience the cause and effect, why David did all the bad things, it was because of his revenge for the death of his younger brother due to his father's negligence. Why people at that time would rather believe in David than choose Adams, just because 16-year-old David cannot be sentenced to death, while 28-year-old Adams can, and at the same time exposes the ideological ills of the era. Because the film is also very particular about logic and pursuit of the truth.

"The Thin Blue Line" is not only a satire and warning to the American judiciary, but also a warning to every audience that they should not only believe in their inner truth and ignore the real truth. In addition to the techniques of this documentary, I think the significance of this documentary is also worthy of our recollection.

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The Thin Blue Line quotes

  • Floyd Jackson: David didn't have a conscience. If I do something bad I think, "Shucks, I shouldn"t done that, I feel bad about it." It didn't bother him. It didn't bother him at all.

  • David Harris: [asked if Randall Dale Adams is innocent] Did you ask him?

    Errol Morris: Yes.

    David Harris: What did he say?

    Errol Morris: Well, he's always said he's innocent.

    David Harris: There you go. You didn't believe him did you? Criminals always lie.