You could have said it yourself, but you asked me to speak up for you. You are my pillar Danny, not because you are fat, but because you keep the team stable, without you your bros wouldn't be in, you are very important. The difficulty is when you know you lost because you didn't do your best. We have to keep training until the more we see the mountain, the happier we are. The higher the mountain, the better. If we didn't give up, the other teams didn't either. When we run, our soul is flying, we talk to the gods, and when we run, we are gods. I train the softballs hard until they get strong. You can't eat anything in the field. The most important rule of working in the field is that if you eat something, you will be fired. With a degree, you have to study to get a degree, and having a degree can help your family make more money than working in the fields. Don't read books, it will ruin your eyes, and you don't need any books to work in the fields. When you feel pain on the mountain, I want you to remember, so are the people around you, and so are the people in front of you, it depends on who can take the pain, so I want you to look at them, look at each other, ask yourself, who is stronger. This is America, isn't it? You have to live better, find a better place, make more money, everything is better, everyone is trying to be better, so no one's going to stay in McFarland unless they have to, because here The American Dream cannot be achieved. They don't get up at dawn and work in the fields like you do, do they? They don't have to go to school for a day and then go back to work in the fields, and you do this, you follow me to run 13 kilometers, 16 kilometers, you endure more pain, these children are not like you, they can't imagine, that day Going to work in the fields with your Diaz family, to be honest, was the hardest day I've ever had, and I said to myself, no matter what shitty job I do, it won't be this hard, you do it every day Live, your parents wished they could live like this every day, and if it meant a better life for you, they would do it all their lives, you're superhumans, you're here to compete, to fight for the championship. Everything you've been through, and such an advantage is something that people like me take for granted, with such strength and courage, there is nothing you can't do, and you have the strongest hearts I've ever seen.
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