A misunderstood fate

Diego 2022-12-15 01:17:03

The color composition of this documentary is mainly blue, red and black; blue represents police, red represents life, and black represents darkness. Dallas Sin City.


1. Contradictions

The flashing police lights are not only the foreshadowing of the text, but also the fuse. Contradiction: Who is the real murderer, David or Randall?

This happened in Dallas, Texas, in 1976, and 11 years later in Dallas. During these two important times, the lives of both David and Randall have changed dramatically.

police officer wood killed

2. The story reappears

At night, the highway policeman Wood stopped the vehicle where David and Randall were. Wood believed that the car had no headlights on (the problem was not serious), but he did not know that the car was stolen by David. He may have just passed by Check the passport and have him turn on the headlights. He was shot by the people in the car. According to the later recalls of the police, at that time Wood's wife just pooled money to buy bulletproof clothing, which should not have been given to him.

In the United States, when the police are on duty in two groups, when one person approaches the vehicle, the other person has to wait on the right wheel side, but at that time, the policewoman was sitting in the car drinking wort (they bought it when they were on duty) and did not wait on the right wheel. Waiting on the side. Because of time, she didn't have time to get out of the car.

Knock on the blackboard! Here comes the point!

At the time of the incident, the female police officer who was with her should call the police according to common sense, but there was blood everywhere, she was at a loss (the first time a newcomer went to the police), she didn't even remember the license plate of the car, and there was no survey on the scene. Without any strong evidence, they will firmly believe that Lando is the murderer, not the sixteen-year-old David.

So this incident tells us not to slack off in everything we do, so as not to cause disastrous consequences. There is a sense of irony in this scene where the policewoman's badge and wort are illuminated. When the policewoman heard the gunshots, she (figuratively) threw the wort, and the wort was like Wood's blood, dripping everywhere. This also shows the panic and disorganization of the policewoman.

Wood was shot

3. Conflict

Newspapers feature slain police officer Wood

The newspapers represent public opinion, Christmas is coming, and if the case is not solved, the police in Dallas have been living for a long time (foreshadowing the encounter with Randall).

In the end, the police found out the whereabouts of the killing car. During the conversation between the police and Lan Dao, Lan Dao thought that the police were oppressing him, but he did not kill anyone, so he had a clear conscience, but in the police's heart, he believed the murderer, and he finished killing people. There was no guilt and no expression on his face.

The reason why the police identified Lando as a murderer was because they questioned Lando, who admitted to driving. Randall was drinking at the time, and he doesn't remember anything that happened after that. About 10 minutes after entering the motel, his memory recovered, which was instant memory loss.

At that time, in order to solve the case, the police were paid a high amount of money for providing clues, and three of them identified the bearded Landao, who they thought was problematic, because one was an adult and the other was only 16 years old. This is prejudice, and this prejudice is fate.

All three eyewitnesses identified Landau as the driver (the driver shot and killed), but it was so dark at night that none of them could see clearly.

before rando goes to jail
Mrs Miller (perjury)
her husband

3. Resolving conflicts

The same evidence, lawyer Dennis White believes that David is the murderer, and the jury believes that Randall is the murderer, and the jury's verdict is valid. And another woman (Ms. Miller's neighbor) also thinks David is the murderer because she thinks the Millers are garbage and they identify Randall for the high salary. (Sure enough, Mrs. Miller and the lady)

lady miller's neighbor


What follows is a lot of different people's different views on this matter, so I won't write them one by one. When David was 3 years old, his 4-year-old brother drowned in the water, which gave David an irreparable wound. David hated his father more and more, so David thought that what he did when he was young was against his father. revenge.

At the end of the credits, David affirms Randall's innocence: I'm sure he is

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Extended Reading

The Thin Blue Line quotes

  • Floyd Jackson: David didn't have a conscience. If I do something bad I think, "Shucks, I shouldn"t done that, I feel bad about it." It didn't bother him. It didn't bother him at all.

  • David Harris: [asked if Randall Dale Adams is innocent] Did you ask him?

    Errol Morris: Yes.

    David Harris: What did he say?

    Errol Morris: Well, he's always said he's innocent.

    David Harris: There you go. You didn't believe him did you? Criminals always lie.