Watching "The Thin Blue Line"

Nat 2022-11-01 06:08:59

"The Thin Blue Line" uses the method of event reproduction to reproduce a police shooting case in Dallas, Texas, USA. Director Errol Morris has interviewed a series of people involved in the case 11 years after the events. Adams' grievance is successfully proved by describing what different characters see from their respective perspectives. The way this film is shot is unique. Mainly because it is limited by practical reasons. To dissect this case 11 years after its occurrence is a so-called impossible thing. So, how to convert past tense to present tense? Director Errol Morris took the event reproduction approach. At the beginning of the film, the camera pulled the audience back to a point in time 11 years ago, restoring the scene before the incident to the audience. Naturally, if all the footage is like this, it can only be called a feature film with real colors. The reason why this film can be called a documentary is that it has carried out a series of interview. The method of event reproduction used in this film is interspersed between each interviewer. Interview shots and reproduction shots are intertwined to form the integrity and authenticity of the entire film. One of the questions that the whole film is going to explore is very simple, and that is who is the murderer of the police. In the 11 years after the incident, the entire process of the incident needs to be restored through the splicing of the camera lens. The basis of the method of event reproduction is based on the narrative of the relevant characters, because we will see a scene repeated many times, also Hearing different narratives from different characters, even contradicting each other, is also reflected in the recurrence of events. Everyone's different narratives, different views, and the stories hidden behind the testimony are all reflected in the director's lens bit by bit. As a homicide documentary, conflict is a rich feature of the film. The conflicts between characters and events and events are all promoting the progress of the film. The progress of the whole case is carried out with the narratives of different people. The emergence, development and ending of a case are all shown to the audience in the narratives of different people. The director has his own rigorous thinking on the overall film structure, and the interview content cannot be gradual. Before shooting, the characters and content to be interviewed are already the issues that he thinks about first. During the filming process of himself, the overall framework is also Very important point. Between the reenactment of the incident and the interviews with the characters, there will be many newspapers, photos and the like related to the case, which further increases the authenticity of the case. The shooting method of event reproduction is mainly aimed at the fact that the shooting event cannot be recorded directly, and the entire event needs to be formed through the intervention of the lens and the intervention of subjective intentions. Recreate events without losing realism. The film "The Thin Blue Line" uses an extremely successful way of reproducing events, showing the audience a complete murder process. The footage used has a certain meaning, which is very important in the documentary. , requires selective use of fragments.

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The Thin Blue Line quotes

  • Floyd Jackson: David didn't have a conscience. If I do something bad I think, "Shucks, I shouldn"t done that, I feel bad about it." It didn't bother him. It didn't bother him at all.

  • David Harris: [asked if Randall Dale Adams is innocent] Did you ask him?

    Errol Morris: Yes.

    David Harris: What did he say?

    Errol Morris: Well, he's always said he's innocent.

    David Harris: There you go. You didn't believe him did you? Criminals always lie.