The most dangerous thing is the human heart

Wilfrid 2022-03-22 09:02:11

Joe, Doctor, and Carol all use big cats to make money in the name of protecting them, and exploit their zoo staff through all kinds of brainwashing and control. The most scheming are Carlo and Jeff, who appeared later. The former has a sanctimonious appearance. He puts the protection of big cats on his lips all day long. In fact, he still thinks about making money, and he can still use such a hand to deceive attention. , sympathy, and getting rid of competitors are really high; while the latter are glib and rudderless people, they call you brothers on the surface, and when you are useless, they will stab them in the back. Therefore, to see how a person is, you still need to look at what the person has done, not what others have said. Joe is really a person who lives in his own world, full of desire for control, talented in acting, and arrogant, which makes him think he is really "Tiger King", and goes straight to challenge the unfathomable Carlo, and then step by step into the quagmire. , in prison. What I want to complain about is that it feels redundant to add some of the records of the doctor, because without this part, the documentary is still complete; in addition, there are more characters involved, and various interviews are more jumpy, which may be to show the effect of different opinions. Yes, but it looks messy.

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