Well enough

Caden 2022-10-16 07:51:45

Not great, not bad comedy. Some episodes are really boring. For example, in the space exercise episode, the US military exercise will not be reduced to the point of holding a BB gun and wearing a balloon to engage in military exercises. Although this is a comedy, from the overall plot point of view, go It's not a ridiculous spoof line either. And from start to finish, the episode didn't explain how the Space Force won and why Dr. Marillo chose the Lockheed exoskeleton. The Space Force's last-minute strike feels like winning by entering a cheat code Yes, is such a victory really something to be happy about? I doubt it.

But the other episodes were fantastic and at least made me want to keep watching. The character interactions of the protagonists are very interesting. For example, the interaction between General Ned and Dr. Marillo in the budget hearing is very basic, and the parents escape from prison to save their daughters in the last episode. I think the emotional scenes in it moved me even more. For example, Ned's wife proposed to open up the marriage, and Ned bemoaned his marriage on the way back. That kind of emotion that wanted to cry without tears, because it was so sad that even his daughter was left behind. . And daughter Irene knew that her parents were going to have an affair, and she was completely stunned. Both parents don't want this home anymore, this blow is really big.

In particular, some say that American art does not depict discrimination against Asians. This show has it. The biggest discrimination against Asians is that they are not considered American. At the beginning, General Ned asked Chen: "Where are you from?" Chen replied: "I am from Ohio." Ned said: "I am not asking this, I am It's asking where you came from in the first place."

The bastard Tony at the back said: "As long as you find a satisfactory gift for the president, and the president appreciates it, your parents in Mongolia will also be happy for you." Chen said with an unhappy face: "My parents are in Baltimore." Then The bastard Tony slapped the knife very bastard: "Ah? Do you have a Baltimore one?" Chen must have wanted to Haibian him for a while.

The funny thing is that this scientist who is not always considered to be an American is the only real American in the entire team of scientists other than Dr. Marillo. The others are Belgian, Canadian, green card holders, and even visa holders.

Also, the sense of the times in this drama is really too strong. Many of them are imitations based on the latest popular events. For example, the most obvious one is that the president must imitate Trump. Birthday present to coax. There is also the Speaker of the House of Representatives who imitated Pelosi, but the youngest congresswoman was the most vivid. This is obviously an imitation of AOC, not only in appearance, but also in tone and demeanor. And the popular "The Handmaid's Tale". The Private Company episode was about making fun of Elizabeth Holmes, the real-life con man. If you don't know the background of these Easter eggs, you may not be able to get them, so if you want to see them early, you won't know who is lying down when it's too late.

When it comes to this drama, there is another thing that has to be mentioned is the China in this drama, more precisely, the image of Chinese people in the eyes of Americans. Because in reality, the Chinese government can't possibly knock down the American flag, run over it a few times, and finally demolish the other side's moon base.

In fact, the main creator of this drama does not have a deep understanding of China. For example, a Chinese scientist can make a statement on the lunar territory. Dr. Marillo complained that Dr. Zhang got his position as chief scientist by relying on his uncle who was a deputy to the National People's Congress. This is obviously copying the impression that Americans have of their own country's congressmen.

In the end, I saw the Chinese driving the moon rover back and forth and greeted the Americans who were sabotaging them. I really thought there would be a big reversal. The Chinese accidentally hit the American flag, and then these Chinese Go and fix the American flag. There was just a misunderstanding on both sides. The Americans were ashamed of their excessive actions, and finally had a happy ending. After all, the main tone of the last episode was peace, not war, but in the end, the American moon base was demolished. This...

But when I read the comments, a group of people applauded what the Chinese did in the show, and some people said that when they cut the American satellite, they should have waved at the Americans below. All I can say is, well, although the main creator doesn't know China, he does know the Chinese, and his portrayal is flawless.

One more thing, in the penultimate episode, I don't know why there are always people who think that Dr. Marillo wants the protagonist to call the Navy to invade the South China Sea. Although the idea of ​​invading the South China Sea has its own problems, because not the entire South China Sea is territory, and there is no problem of intrusion without entering the territorial waters, just like you can't say invading the Pacific Ocean. But at the very least, they did not express any intention of invading or entering the South China Sea. What he means is, will there be consequences for the US navy to enter the South China Sea? There are no consequences. There are no consequences, so why not directly enter the Chinese so-called lunar research area as in the South China Sea?

In fact, the lunar dispute in this drama itself is the neta South China Sea dispute, and the lunar research area is basically a replica of the nine-dash line in the South China Sea. Marillo's words just put the fact that we are a copy of the South China Sea dispute on your face.

Ps: One episode even mentioned "Fullmetal Alchemist"

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Space Force quotes

  • General Mark R. Naird: Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?

  • F. Tony Scarapiducci: I saw history being made and couldn't resist being part of it.

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