I'm waiting for you in the rain

Kamryn 2022-03-22 09:02:35

1. When you find that your code of conduct is different from that of everyone around you, it means that there is something wrong with your value, and you should be the one to reflect on.

2. Your heart determines what you see. We are the creators of our own destiny. Whether by will or ignorance, our successes and failures are not caused by others, but are determined by ourselves.

3. The race is still very long. It is better to keep winning and to finish the race with a backward attitude, and not to crash the car in the end because of too much effort.

4. A racer can't get angry with another driver because of an accident in the lane. You can only be angry with yourself being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

5. Are you looking forward to the future and deliberately avoiding your present?

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The Art of Racing in the Rain quotes

  • Denny: You've been a good friend. Very good friend.

    Enzo: The best of friends.

  • Denny: The car goes where the eyes go.