The liar is too fluffy

Makayla 2022-12-10 05:19:30

This documentary made me understand some American culture to a greater extent. After watching this, more than 1 million white police officers suffocated a black man during the epidemic in the United States. In fact, I was yearning for some liberal democratic freedom of speech in the United States, but The more information you receive, the more disappointed you are with this country. Most people have no brains, and a lot of common sense doesn't know that it is easy to be led. It's ridiculous to come to power and spend money to brainwash the people. It's easy to be manipulated. A racial discrimination is very serious. I think this film is more focused on racial issues. White people think they are noble. There is nothing in their minds. The same animalistic, brainless, incompetent nature's selfishness is vividly displayed on the street. I don't know that the black person is leading the way. Everyone sees it and says it is fighting for the bottom line of black people. In fact, it is all the bad habits of the old society. He looked down and said that oj didn't know much about him in this documentary, but the United States values ​​rugby as the number one sport. For them, there are many stars in sports and entertainment, and many are high-level playthings like monkeys. The same common people worship this and that many blindly. Just like I said before, people are easy to be led to look at American law. There is no conclusive evidence and not many people can be convicted. Because such a law takes advantage of the loopholes, we have to prove ourselves. Each crime has its advantages and disadvantages

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Extended Reading

O.J.: Made in America quotes

  • O.J. Simpson: [last lines, recorded on June 17, 1994] I don't know how I ended up here. I just don't know how I ended up here. I thought I lived a great life. I thought I treated everybody well. I went out of my way to make everybody comfortable and happy. I felt the goodness in myself and the goodness I gave people. I don't feel any goodness in myself right now. I feel empty. I feel totally empty. I felt I have some last thing I gotta say to somebody. Please remember me as the Juice. Please remember me as a good guy. Please.

  • Bill Hodgman: [after the not guilty verdict was read] Later I was talking with the deputy sheriff after he had taken jurors to where they were released. He said all across the parking lot there were high fives, cheers and smiles from black people and I heard it over and over: "That was payback for Rodney King."