A play to locate the progress of the times, and a character to reflect the aura of human nature

Colten 2022-09-02 19:24:49

What is the evolutionary history of the present era? How many percent of human nature has started to shine? Through this bizarre and absurd play, the answer can be obtained by intuition. And it's still in the dazzling situation that the front and back are together, and all kinds of feelings are mixed.

It is enough to determine that the skill of the director is the level of winning awards. From the jokes, to the plot, to the connotation, they all belong to the level of being born out of nowhere. In a naked way of anti-hero, it depicts human beings groping out of the warm lair and endless outwards. The small step of the unknown to make a test, how difficult, how naive, how clumsy, how lamentable... and the certainty, bravery, and invincibility contained in ordinary human nature are extremely precious. And these ordinary human beings shining with aura include you and me.

After looking at it, I seem to have forgotten the ambition of landing on the moon and the ambition to colonize the universe. I just want to say how lovely human beings are, and how lucky I am to be born in this era and have the opportunity to witness the leap from childishness to maturity.

A masterpiece that has never been seen before, and does not need or hope to have come again - because it is inevitable to go out and become a member of the perfect civilization of the Galaxy Home, it has already succeeded, and it is at this moment :)

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Space Force quotes

  • General Mark R. Naird: Are you going to sit there like an idiot doing nothing or are you going to shoot for the stars?

  • F. Tony Scarapiducci: I saw history being made and couldn't resist being part of it.

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