me and nba

Emmitt 2022-12-13 08:18:34

In the spring of 2020 when the whole United States was plagued by the epidemic, Jordan's last dance gave a new topic to the suspended American sports circle, and made people who have not experienced the Bull Dynasty to worship his victory once again.

Because of my frequent business trips, I watched a lot of sports documentaries on Delta Air Lines planes, including the Detroit Pistons' Bad Boys, Magic and Big Bird's Black and White, and the '92 Dream Team. I have watched all these films at least twice, which made a girl who was born in China in 1993 and does not like sports fall in love with sports documentaries. It's hard to imagine that about two years ago, I was still a fake fan who only looked at the NBA finals. Oh no, I'm just a pseudo-fan who knows a little more about the nba now. I have never loved sports since I was a child, and the worst subject in my elementary school career before I went abroad was also sports. I remember the first physical education class in high school in the United States. The teacher asked me to swing a baseball bat. I missed 3 balls. My physical education teacher, an old white man, was disappointed and asked if he knew how to swing a baseball bat. In fact, it was the first time in my life that I saw baseball in real life, but my English was not good enough and I didn't dare to speak at all. I'm not Jordan, so I can't turn this negative energy into motivation, so from then on, I became even more indifferent to sports, until I went to volunteer at the 76ers' stadium during college, and I could exchange for one or two tickets after volunteering (2012- During 2016, when the competing teams were also super weak, a ticket could be as low as $12, which is lower than the parking fee)), and I began to pay attention to basketball (after all, I can’t watch old American’s favorite football now. I know, baseball is too slow to watch it once).

Later, after I stayed in the hotel for a long time and received the stage of watching the NBA, I began to watch the game very seriously, but I started to understand the golden age of the NBA more seriously, and liked players with different personalities. Compared with the friendly atmosphere among the current NBA players and everyone's personality, the character and competition among the older generation players are more attractive. It's just a few of the people mentioned in the documentary. Needless to say, Rodman has an avant-garde and unruly personality, and he can't talk about one, two, three, four, five or six things with other actresses. Later, he was invited to North Korea to play with Kim Jong-un. His personality is so real and so crazy. Pippen surprised me a bit in this documentary. Although the media always said that he didn't mind being the second-in-command, he sat on the sidelines and didn't want to play, didn't listen to the coach, and didn't want to give his last chance to pitch to a rookie. As well as signing a contract and wanting to raise his salary, I can see that he also has a selfish side. Not to mention Jordan, I always feel that his character makes me fear and look up to, but when you say that I am his opponent or teammate, I find it very difficult. His thirst for victory transcends everything, and he stands on the top of the mountain, as if he can't see his ego. But it may also be the case that each company shines together, which makes people miss the golden age of the NBA so much.

In this documentary, there are clips that have appeared in other documentaries in the past. For example, the clips about the Barcelona Olympics also appeared in the Dream Team documentary, but the narrative method presented in the whole documentary is very creative. - Use the previous years' games to show that the 1998 games are different from the previous ones. The aging championship team, the contradiction between the teams, Jordan's second retirement. Although I don't think it's fair to unilaterally evaluate the fault of the former manager as a superstar in the documentary, I agree that the most central position of the NBA is still a business alliance, just replaced by the names of several cities. It's just the name of your own boss (for example, nets moved from nj to bk a few years ago)

After Philly played OK in the East for a few years, I couldn't afford a ticket and didn't go there. I don't know if there will be any playoffs this year, hey, but even if there is, the bar is not open. In this case, I recommend friends who miss the NBA to watch this documentary in general.

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