What did the assistant complain about?

Van 2022-03-21 09:03:00

The hostess was not sexually harassed. The heroine has just entered the unit for five weeks and is still in the internship period. It is normal to do a lot of chores. I didn't see colleagues rejecting her. The heroine feels that the work does not meet her expectations and can leave, but she cannot change the environment and change herself. The unspoken rules of the boss and the female subordinates are the exchange of interests between adults with independent will. No harm to the heroine's interests. or the interests of the company. It can’t be said that the boss’s private life is chaotic, and the subordinates are unspoken, which affects the work of employees, and the company operates normally. If the boss doesn't mess around with female colleagues in the office, is it ok? Is the boss really reluctant to spend money to open a house? It's not just that the director of the film deliberately increases the hate value of the boss. Adultery has been abolished in modern society. The boss's private life, the private life of others is his own business. The handling of human resources is very realistic. Based on that little evidence, it is not realistic to want to complain to the boss. The boss is really domineering and unreasonable, sometimes. The heroine is indeed under a lot of work pressure and has no sense of accomplishment. But because of this, you can't complain that the boss is messing with the relationship between men and women. I don't think anyone who lives in a vacuum and can't watch a movie becomes a moralist.

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The Assistant quotes

  • Wilcock: I don't think you have anything to worry about.

    Jane: Hmm?

    Wilcock: You're not his type.

  • Boss: [Over the phone] I'm not gonna yell at you. Am I yelling? No... Because you're not someone even worthy of that. Because you didn't even have the fucking courtesy to talk to me about whatever the fuck fantasy you decided to spew all over me... So, let me ask, do you want to keep this job?

    Jane: Yeah.

    Boss: Okay... Then send me a fucking apology.