Diaosi counterattacks Gao Fushuai, high energy reverse suspense film

Elyse 2022-03-21 09:02:04

Headhunters refer to those who specialize in finding talents for the company. Similar to the intermediary after World War II, Western countries recruited German elites. This profession has quietly formed until today. One of the successful capitalist countries, of course, the headhunting movies everywhere revolve around the story of a headhunter. The male protagonist is a successful headhunter played by Akassel Henney and American actor Steve Buscemi . A thief like Akassel Henney Steve Buscemi who is often in the Coen Brothers movies I first met the actor in Quentin's Reservoir Dogs and his character was unwilling to be Mr. Fan's Mr. Fan's male protagonist is only 1.68 meters tall, but he has found a tall and beautiful woman as his wife. He said that this is "to make up for her shortcomings". In order to trap her, the male protagonist often gives her all kinds of expensive luxury Pin him to take out a loan to live in a mansion, and lied to his wife that he inherited it. He should think that his wife is big-headed and vain. Although his wife is perfect and impeccable, he still found a mistress to use his words, Successful people all see the mistress. Later, we found out that in fact, he didn't get enough love from his wife, so he could only find a mistress to comfort the male protagonist. Another profession, art thiefThe elites who go in and out of the upper class turn out to be Wang Yang thieves. Such a setting of identity contrast often brings a sense of curiosity. When he communicates with the talents he finds, he will ask if there is any artwork at home. If there is, he will continue to ask if there is any at home. No one, is there a dog? Because he asked very cleverly, after the person being questioned could not detect his intention to lock on the target, he would contact his partner. A policeman told him the time of the crime and asked him to turn off the alarm at the target's house. Then he sneaks into the room and steals the artwork, usually a painting. He formulates 5 stealing principles for himself 1. Know the living environment of the target 2. Don't delay more than 10 minutes 3. Don't leave any DNA evidence 4. Don't waste Time is on expensive fakes 5. What should come will come sooner or later. In the face of priceless works of art, don't hesitate. These principles ensure his success rate, and also touch the audience's hi point. The audience familiar with the routine knows that this product must be It will break one of the principles and cause him to be arrested. This satisfies a certain expectation mechanism in the audience's heart and makes the brain feel excited. The male protagonist's reselling of works of art is a team effort. When a work is sold, he can only get 30% of the value of the work. Gao, he got very little, the mortgage repayment day is coming, his credit card is seriously overdrawn, he needs a big bill, and his wife introduced him a friend, the second male lead in the film by the one-armed Lannister (from "Game of Thrones") lovingly interprets the second male saying that he has just left a high position in a large state-owned enterprise and is looking for another way out. The male lead is helping a company called "Pioneer" to recruit a CEO. The male lead thinks that the second male is good, and wants to help him introduce his wife Tell the male protagonist that there is a famous painting worth over 100 million yuan in the second male home. The laughter attracts, not leaving for a long time this breaks the second principle, do not delay more than 10 minutesWhat follows is a series of domino effects. He and his wife have been married for 7 years, and they have always refused to have children. Yesterday, he quarreled with his wife about this. With this painting, he will live a worry-free life since then, and it would be good to have a child. He thinks so Thinking about it, he called his wife and the ringtone rang nearby. He followed the ringtone and found his wife's mobile phone in the second male bedroom. It was obvious that the wife cheated on the second male lead and was furious. This was the thing he was most afraid of. He replied. When I got home, my wife was watching TV quietly in the living room, and I felt that the time was quiet. I couldn't find a job in all of Norway. Then, the second male lead suddenly tried his best to chase and kill him. Not only was the male protagonist confused, but the audience was also confused. There must be something strange about the two of them. I won't spoil it. The suspense film is spoiled. The middle part of the hunt is tense and exciting, and the audience's doubts will soon be diluted. The second male is the special forces. Born, killing the male protagonist is as easy as pinching an ant. He installed the most advanced miniature locator on the male protagonist. No matter where the male protagonist fled, he turned around and found that the male second followed closely and the dust would interfere with the tracking. Signal In order to survive, he endured the shameful humiliation of hiding in a cesspool. He was pressed step by step until there was no way out. The second male is like the "life" in the pictures of "Life and Me" circulating on the Internet. The male protagonist is the miserable "I" "The second male chases the male protagonist like a nightmare and vividly interprets the following passage. Life is chasing you, and then beats you to the ground again and again until you can no longer stand up. Come out of the cesspit, covered in shit (props) like a moving billboard that says "Life is shit"This is a perfect interpretation of how life is. Generally, the success of a movie is either the director's credit or the screenwriter's credit. The film belongs to the latter. As an aside, an actor cannot be the savior of a movie, an actor can only be saved Their acting skills can't make up for a bad story, nor can they save the director's bad narrative, but the director's scene scheduling and the use of the camera can save the actor's poor acting skills and turn a mediocre actor into a drama. The screenwriter is very capable. Strong, thinking is always set up step by step before the audience. When solving the situation, it neither insults the audience's IQ nor does it feel powerless to take it back. The whole reversal story is just right for the screenwriter. Even if the front is a bit long and boring, but Hollywood's The dictum "The last 20 minutes of a movie" is well known to the screenwriter, and you will get great satisfaction in the end. There are some bugs that cannot be solved, and the screenwriter is very tactful and blames the carelessness of the police and following the crowd, not him. It didn't work out, but the policeman in the story was lazy and incompetent. He couldn't see the loopholes and criticized the law enforcers along the way, and let you put the bugs you found back in for a little spoiler. The male protagonist is not a good person, but in the end he didn't. Getting Punishment Movie values ​​will be a bit subversive, a little bit dark. Before watching this movie, I happened to watch Woody Allen's "Match Point" ending. It's also a crime. More and more popular with the audience. The audience has been in the society for a long time, recognize the reality, and gradually realize that the society is not dominated by positive energy, eating human-blooded buns, making unscrupulous money, and corruption. There are many people, but they may be forever There will be no justice and they will not be judged, and they will turn a blind .The ending can no longer fit the audience's psychology. This kind of movie is very dangerous. It is a so-called three-pointed movie. It will never be imported in China, nor will it be filmed to give people the illusion of breaking the law. Insurance for this kind of story. The hero in "Match Point" escaped prison by luck. The hero in "Headhunting Game" relies on extraordinary wisdom and careful logic. He also has a bit of luck. If you believe this At the end of the story, then you will also believe in the character settings. You will reflect on whether you have the wisdom like the male protagonist, or if you are as lucky as them, and then you will stay obediently within the scope permitted by the law. It is another way of education. The movie tells three stories, not the three separate stories. It refers to the three levels. The first level is also the shallowest level. It says that the second male chases and kills the male lead, and the male lead kills the second male lead. The second level is the emotional level. The male protagonist is deeply afraid that one day his wife will no longer love him. He does not dare to have children because he is afraid that the children will take away his wife's love. One can imagine how inferior the male protagonist is. In fact, his wife loves him more than he imagined. If he could realize that, the fuckin' later wouldn't have happened. He ended up reconciling with his wife. He learned to keep his wife with love, not matter. The choices the characters make when they are in a dangerous situation best reflect their nature. When faced with life-threatening threats in the early stage, the male protagonist chose to escape, cheat death, and fly away. It was his wife's encouragement and support that inspired his courage and made him dare to face the second male lead. And turn the male second c on the ground. He has transformed from a humble and vain man to a brave and affectionate man. His appearance is still the same, 1.68 meters tall, but the audience who sees the end will admire and recognize him. I also found a stable sense of security from the heart, no longer worrying about gains and losses. It doesn't matter what the appearance looks like, the appearance is unjust, and the inner strength is true! Well, today's recommendation is here to have a good night!

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Jo Nesbø's Headhunters quotes

  • [Last lines]

    Roger: My name is Roger Brown. I'm 5'6" tall, and you know what? That's more than enough.

  • [First lines]

    Roger: Rule #1: Make sure you know everything about those you visit. 2: Never spend more than 10 minutes. Every extra minute increases the chance of someone returning home unexpectedly. 3: Do not leave DNA traces. 4: Don't waste time getting an expensive reproduction. Even a simple forgery will go unnoticed for weeks. 5: Sooner or later, one of two things will happen. You find a work of art so valuable that you never need to worry again, or... you'll get caught.